Preventing loss with DENSO and RFID

Retailer optimizes inventory accuracy and increases sales

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) has become more and more popular among retailers as the versatile technology helps boost sales and drive loss prevention at the same time – an experience DENSO’s client from the retail sector is happy to share. More information:

Düsseldorf. Inventory accuracy has a direct impact on sales and the future growth of a company. Thus, retailers are using modern RFID technology to avoid and eliminate poor stock accuracy and significantly increase their ability to serve their customers. DENSO WAVE EUROPE, member for the Toyota Group, has helped their large retail client from the UK to optimize inventory accuracy and increase sales. Further information about DENSO and their RFID solutions for the retail sector is available at

In comparison to a bar code, RFID lets retailers identify individual items, cases or pallets wirelessly, with richer data and without need for a line of sight. To test the advantages of RFID directly, DENSO offers a free three-month starter kit for companies. The RFID DEMO Kit includes everything businesses need to get started with RFID, including an SP1 RFID reader and a BHT-1800 handheld terminal from DENSO, pre-installed with the full-featured RFID software RFKeeper. With this software, employees can count inventory and compare it with a stock file, commission new tags, move products between different locations and create advance shipping files, as well as other applications. More information about the RFID DEMO Kit from DENSO can be found here:

DENSO’s retail client’s goals were to increase the overall stock accuracy at a store level and see if that directly impacted sales. And these goals were met: More than 97 per cent stock accuracy and five per cent sales increase have been achieved with the use of RFID. But how exactly?

The retailer runs annual stock-takes in all their stores as an opportunity to cleanse their stock files. At that point, the retailer’s stock accuracy is in the high 90s. As little as six weeks after though, stock file inaccuracies would begin to affect the replenishments to stores. What the retailer needed were ways to stock-take a store at least every week. That is where DENSO came in – with RFID. This video shows how efficient RFID can be used in the retail sector with the auto-ID solutions from DENSO:

Instead of doing a trial run with just a few stores, this retailer went bigger. They decided to encode virtually everything in their stores: from clothing to jewellery line. In addition, the retailer dedicated a central team to analyse and audit the RFID data management.

For the RFID trial stores, the products were separated in the retailer“s distribution centre and then tagged and encoded with RFID inlays. As desired, this had a direct effect on the stock-take. Once a week, the retailer’s employees attended a store and conducted an RFID full-store stock count by walking around with their respective RFID handheld from DENSO, scanning everything and uploading data to the RFID cloud. When that step was completed, other team members downloaded and reviewed the collected data.

At the beginning of the project, the retailer’s stock accuracy was in the mid 70 per cent range, with some stores significantly lower than that. By implementing RFID with DENSO, accuracy was raised up to 98 per cent for all stores within just two weeks. And even better: the retailer“s stock accuracy remained consistent week after week. Further information about DENSO’s handheld terminals and scanners, auto-ID solutions, and RFID to help optimize processes in retail can be found at

In addition to the increase in accuracy, DENSO’s retail client wanted to know how RFID affected their sales. Therefore, the retailer analysed the RFID tagged products‘ performances and data. It was found, that, within a six-week period before and after the trial, tagged versus non-tagged products were generating an eight per cent positive sales variance, meaning that their stores‘ collective average was three per cent higher than the initial target.

In the future, DENSO’s retail client plans to implement RFID in all of their stores and bring RFID further up the supply chain. That way, the retailer can boost direct sales, track stolen products, and become even more successful when taking innovative steps on the path to face omni-channel and online challenges. This retailer is ready to serve their customers immediately – with DENSO and RFID as their competitive advantage.

For the European market, DENSO WAVE EUROPE is the contact point for all enquiries on RFID, QR Codes, mobile data collection, handheld terminals, and scanners. The durable and robust terminals and scanners manufactured by DENSO are to be found in storage, logistics, at the POS, in production, and field & sales automation applications.

Short and informative video clips about the terminals, scanners, and solutions from DENSO WAVE EUROPE can now be viewed on YouTube. The clips include the 20th anniversary of the QR Code, a company presentation, and introductions to the various devices for mobile data capture such as the BHT-M70 and the SP1 RFID scanner. For more information, click on the link:

QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

DENSO WAVE is a global provider for high quality Auto-ID solutions helping businesses in retail, logistics and healthcare to improve their stock management, have full data transparency and accelerate processes along the supply chain.

As the inventor of the QR Code® – a technology that has revolutionized the way data is stored and accessed – DENSO strives for nothing less than perfection. DENSO WAVE hardware and software solutions are therefore tested extensively before being available at the market. This way the company ensures that users in retail, logistics and healthcare can fully focus on their tasks without having to worry about the technologies“ functioning.

DENSO WAVE solutions range from premium RFID readers and software, handheld terminals / mobile computers and barcode scanners to complex and cloud based IoT Data Management Systems.

DENSO WAVE. Driven by quality.

DENSO is a member of the Toyota Group and is exclusively represented in Europe by DENSO WAVE EUROPE.

Nicole Edler
Parsevalstraße 9 A
40468 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 (0) 211 540 138 40

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