Josip Heit: The market for tokenised real estate is highly dynamic

Josip Heit, entrepreneur from the technology, real estate as well as the luxury services sector, with companies operating worldwide, recently published his own website “„, from which one can learn more about the entrepreneur.

In reference to a recent study by Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB) and the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC) at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Josip Heit notes that the number of German companies offering „tokenised real estate“ is second internationally behind the US.

There are currently 41 companies in 17 countries worldwide that have already tokenised real estate. These are primarily active in the USA (13), followed by Germany (6) and Switzerland (4).‘
In general, Europe is far ahead in this topic in an international comparison, also with regard to the regulatory framework.

What is certain, however, is that some things, such as the implementation of digital land registers, will still take some time in technical terms. In principle, however, tokenisation makes it possible to denominate real estate as small as desired. According to Josip Heit, it is known that the promised annual savings can be in a wide range of up to more than 20 percent, among other things through the elimination of costs for bureaucracy and business trips.

Smart contracts also eliminate costs in the possible range of twenty per cent, and in some countries these may even be higher. If one considers that blockchain technologies can be used through the comfort zone of one’s home, unimagined possibilities are inherited for the real estate sector, Josip Heit states in this context.
I am sure, for the future, the topics of blockchain and tokenisation are more than hot, especially due to great facilitations, which speak for themselves with all parties involved and the savings possibilities are high! Therefore, there are good future prospects for tokenised real estate.

As an investment instrument, the real estate token is comparable to a share in a closed-end real estate fund that invests in one or two properties.

Josip Heit explains: „Although the market for tokenised real estate is still in its infancy, the high dynamics can become a serious challenge, especially for providers of real estate funds, because for investors, tokenised real estate can be associated with above-average returns and lower costs, which should be particularly interesting for those investors who are open to corresponding innovations. Coupled with the divisibility of real estate and the thus significantly larger potential investor group, tokenised real estate can noticeably change this investment class in the long term.“

The advantages of blockchain technology for the real estate sector in this context are almost gigantic; in particular, the divisibility of real estate into small, tradable units now offers real estate a larger investor group – which is why a revolution could currently be in the offing that will open up completely different and, above all, new opportunities for the entire real estate market worldwide!

Josip Heit concludes: „The use of blockchain in the real estate industry has many advantages, especially in the real estate sector! „
From property transfers to price negotiations, blockchain technology offers an easy way to securely conduct complex transactions.
Josip Heit:

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