Integration of threat intelligence into Sweepatic EASM Platform

More protection against data leaks

The increased importance of cyber security cannot be overemphasized. Organizations are increasingly reliant on their online presence, but this reliance comes with risks. At a time when stolen and leaked data can cause significant damage, proactive protection is essential. For this reason, it is particularly important to detect stolen and leaked data as quickly as possible so that action can be taken. That is exactly the added value of integrating threat intelligence in your company“s continuous attack surface management.

Author: Stijn Vande Casteele, Founder of Sweepatic

If companies can identify leaked access data, this is an effective and decisive weapon in the fight against potential attacks. Threat intelligence enables detailed monitoring of potential threats. In view of the fact that stolen data can have far-reaching consequences for companies – from financial losses to reputational damage and legal consequences – this protection mechanism is of crucial importance. The automated function not only offers a time-efficient response to threats, but also a clear advantage over potential attackers. This further development will help to make the digital landscape more secure overall and protect companies even better in the future.

Sweepatic, an Outpost24 Company is a European leader in External Attack Surface Management. Our cloud-native EASM platform automates the continuous mapping, analysis and monitoring of all internet-connected assets and risks. Running 24/7, the Sweepatic Platform delivers attack surface observations via notifications and an easy-to-use dashboard. In this way, Sweepatic supports organizations in structuring and reducing their external attack surface – making them an unpopular target forbad actors.

Find out more at:

Hannah Smeyers
Kapeldreef 60
3001 Leuven
Phone: +32497816699
E-Mail: 0472dd5bf735a4f8f924060ff8c9b6c50bf4c8c9

Sprengel & Partner GmbH
Lisa Dillmann
Nisterstraße 3
56472 Nisterau
Phone: +49 (0)266191260-0
E-Mail: 0472dd5bf735a4f8f924060ff8c9b6c50bf4c8c9

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