G999 Technology: Josip Heit and GSB Gold Standard Corporate develop solution for global digital vaccination card

While the politicians of the European Union are still arguing about the details of a uniform digital vaccination passport, GSB Gold Standard Corporate, based in Hamburg, has already been working on a solution for months, currently testing the encryption with blockchain technology.In this context, GSB, as a software powerhouse, has offered the industry the help of its research department to assist in the implementation and realisation of a digital vaccination passport with its technical know-how.

Josip Heit, proven business manager and blockchain pioneer as well as CEO of the GSB Group, said in an interview with journalists last weekend: „In the past, business units of the GSB Group have had products developed in the areas of blockchain and crypto technology under the aspect of climate-friendly orientation, among others with the G999, a unique electronic card reader and app.
Whereby the G999 is based on the idea that blockchain technology must ensure compliance with environmental regulations, especially the promotion of energy conservation. At the same time, it meets the current need to manage personal data in a completely secure and risk-free space, away from the mainstream web network through a decentralised data centre.“

Alexandru Cocindau, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the GSB Gold Standard Corporate group, emphasises in an interview: „The latest development, an app that GSB is currently launching on the international market called GStelecom, is also a blockchain secured and operated platform that allows all users to send and receive encrypted voice chats, messages and images. Thus, in relation to a digital vaccination card, notes that if the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Union agree on uniform standards, the GSB Gold Standard Corporate can launch a globally usable digital vaccination card – based on blockchain technology – which would be a more than usable development for the world in the current situation of the coronavirus pandemic!“

Meanwhile, it became known that against this background, WHO and the EU have formed working groups that are to set standards so that travellers can prove their vaccination in the future without much effort. In addition to Guardtime, the US internet giants Google and Apple are also working with the WHO to develop a digital vaccination card.

Like the GSB Gold Standard Corporate, the tech companies Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce, which are working on a digital vaccination card in the USA in the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) and rely on the so-called SMART framework for health cards, are also working at full speed on a digital vaccination card, although Germany would be left out of the US system.

In this context, Josip Heit emphasises in an interview: „When it comes to digital certificates, the blockchain is an indispensable technology for the digital vaccination certificate, because the blockchain is a continuously expandable list of data records, also called „blocks“, which are linked together by means of cryptographic procedures.
Each block contains a cryptographically secure hash (scatter value) of the previous block as well as a timestamp and transaction data, thus ensuring that there would be no kind of manipulation, which is essential for the health and economic future in the EU, as well as especially in the Federal Republic of Germany, the GSB is ready to meet this technical challenge!

GSB’s latest blockchain technology product, the GStelecom app can be found here:
GOOGLE PLAY STORE — https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=block.chain.chat
APPLE STORE — https://apps.apple.com/tt/app/gstelecom-by-g999-blockchain/id1547577247

Seit 2011 agiert die GSB Gold Standard Corporate als weltweite Holdinggesellschaft mit Fokus auf einzigartige/reine Mineralien, Metalle und Entwicklungen von Blockchain Technologien.
Die GSB mit Sitz in Hamburg ist einer der Weltmarktführer in den Bereichen Bergbau, Raffinerie und weltweiter Handel mit Eigen- und Fremdressourcen.
Mit dem ersten Schritt der industriellen Entwicklung, über die Herstellung bis hin zum Handel, stellt die GSB-Konzerngruppe den Schutz der Umwelt an die Spitze ihrer Agenda. Das gesamte Unternehmen agiert als ein in sich geschlossenes Ökosystem – von der Basis bis zur Endnutzung.
Mit unserem weltweit vernetzten Vertriebssystem für Industriemineralien und -metalle in über 120 Ländern garantieren wir jederzeit eine Versorgung in höchster Qualität. Die Rohstoffe werden in unseren eigenen Werken und LBMA-Raffinerien zu höchster Qualität veredelt.

GSB Gold Standard Corporate
Frau Berger
Große Bleichen 35
20354 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 376 69 19 – 0
Fax: +49 40 376 69 89 – 3
E-Mail: Media@G999main.net
Url: https://G999main.net

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