CAPARA HOLDING GMBH and Adem Capar, the path to success is the goal

CAPARA HOLDING GMBH, a leading company in the field of business development and investment, is going global with its furniture division, particularly in view of its wide range of high-quality products for hotels, offices, special living spaces and properties, and recently opened a new production co-operation in Turkey.

Whether you are looking for stylish hotel furnishings or want to upgrade your office – you can find the right product at Specialised living room furniture and contract furnishings can be customised and allow you to furnish any living or working space according to your wishes.

Capara can look back on an impressive success story spanning many years. A key figure behind this success is undoubtedly the visionary entrepreneur Adem Capar, who as founder and managing director has set the course for sustainable company development.
Adem Capar began his entrepreneurial journey with clear goals and a clear vision for the future. His ability to recognise opportunities and act strategically has helped to make Capara Holding GmbH a significant force in the corporate sector.
Capar has been involved in this context for years, primarily in the development of property projects. The holding company focuses on a wide range of business areas, including property development, financial services, technology and renewable energies.

CAPARA HOLDING GMBH is characterised not only by its diversification, but also by its strong focus on sustainability and social responsibility. Under the leadership of Adem Capar, the company has pursued a clear environmental and social strategy that enables it to integrate sustainable business practices and make a positive contribution to society.

An outstanding characteristic of Adem Capar is his commitment to innovation and technology. He recognises the importance of progress and digitalisation for the future of the economy and has aligned CAPARA HOLDING GMBH to play a leading role in these areas. This is reflected in various projects and partnerships aimed at developing innovative solutions and driving digital transformation.

Adem Capar focuses not only on entrepreneurial success, but also on social commitment. CAPARA HOLDING GMBH actively participates in charitable projects and contributes to tackling social challenges. In this context, Adem Capar firmly believes that successful companies have a responsibility to society and should use their resources to bring about positive change.

Under Adem Capar’s leadership, CAPARA has not only created a solid foundation for sustainable growth, but has also set standards for corporate responsibility and social commitment. Adem Capar remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and having a positive impact on the world around him.

In response to questions about investment, Adem Capar told members of the press and journalists at a recent press conference: „The world of investment is in a constant state of flux, characterised by new opportunities, technologies and global developments. In this changing environment, having the right perspective on innovative investment opportunities is becoming increasingly important.

Some of the current trends and opportunities shed light on the dynamics of this multifaceted sector, and CAPARA HOLDING follows precisely these dynamics with all its investments!“

Information and products can be found at:

Le Pays de France wurde vor 109 Jahren als französische Tageszeitung im Jahr 1914 gegründet und erschien erstmals am 10. Mai 1914. Die französische Tageszeitung „Le Pays de France“ ist eine liberal-konservative Tageszeitung, welche rund um die Uhr an sieben Tagen in der Woche in sechs Sprachen (Französisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Italienisch) vor allem über aktuell-politische, wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Themen berichtet, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Berichterstattung aus Frankreich und der Europäischen Union liegt

Yves Rousseau
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Yves Rousseau
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Phone: +33756495850
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