biolitec: Treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy with painless LHP laser therapy

Gentle laser therapy LHP of biolitec offers alternative to conventional therapies for hemorrhoids – 50% of all women suffer from hemorrhoids during and after pregnancy – they do not always regress after childbirth

Jena, October 25, 2023 – Hemorrhoids during and after pregnancy are painful and unpleasant. The medical laser specialist biolitec has now developed the LHP method (LaserHemorrhoidoPlasty) for the treatment of hemorrhoids, a gentle and painless alternative to the usual treatment methods.

Pregnant women suffer from enlarged hemorrhoids in 50% of cases, which cause unpleasant discomfort such as pain, burning and itching. The vascular pads, which are well supplied with blood, are located at the exit of the rectum. If the hemorrhoids are enlarged, physicians speak of hemorrhoidal disease.

There are various ways to have such pathologically enlarged hemorrhoids treated. The severity of the hemorrhoidal condition plays a role:

Hemorrhoids and fissures occur more frequently in the last three months of pregnancy and during the first month after birth. On the one hand, the increasing weight of the child on the pelvic floor and the rectum in this area impairs blood circulation. On the other hand, the vessels dilate due to the pregnancy hormones. Pressing during bowel movements due to constipation, which pregnant women often suffer from, further increases the pressure on the rectum. Lastly, pushing contractions during the final stages of labor put tremendous pressure on the rectum. It is also possible that it is not the pregnancy that causes hemorrhoids, but that they were already present unnoticed and are aggravated by the pregnancy. After birth, hemorrhoids subside in many cases. However, if they do not normalize after a few weeks, those affected should consult a specialist.

Depending on the severity of the condition, four degrees of severity are distinguished: (Grade 1) The hemorrhoidal cushions are only slightly swollen. If they bulge outward briefly during defecation, but then slide back into the rectum on their own (grade 2), they are easily treatable with proper care, a balanced diet, by avoiding constipation and early exercise. Most of the time, they do not get worse this way. If the hemorrhoids have to be pushed back into the rectum by hand after defecation (grade 3) or if they are constantly outside the rectum (grade 4), surgical intervention is necessary. This usually takes place as an inpatient in a hospital. Of course, the operation should be performed in any case after birth or after weaning. If the mother is breastfeeding, it must be carefully considered whether and which anesthesia can be performed.

In the LHP method (LaserHemorrhoidoPlasty) from biolitec, the hemorrhoid is not removed. A laser fiber is inserted into the hemorrhoid through a very small incision. The laser radiation closes the blood vessels. This weakens the blood supply. Within a few days after the procedure, the hemorrhoid shrinks. In this way, no incisions or sutures are necessary, and no open wounds are created. The risk of infection is thus reduced. The sensitive anal mucosa is preserved, and the sphincter muscle is not injured. Compared to usual surgical procedures, recovery time and pain are significantly reduced.

Detailed information on the gentle laser therapies of biolitec is available to patients and interested parties on the website If you have any questions, please also contact or call the biolitec hotline on 01805/010276. For questions regarding cost coverage, please contact your health insurance company directly.

biolitec® is one of the world’s leading medical technology companies in the field of minimally invasive laser applications and is offering in the field of photodynamic therapy (PDT) the laser-assisted treatment of cancer with the drug Foscan®, registered in the EU. Since 1999, biolitec® is focused on the development of minimally invasive, gentle laser procedures. The unique LEONARDO® diode laser from biolitec® is the first universally applicable medical laser with a combination of two wavelengths, 980 nm and 1470 nm, which can be used in all disciplines. ELVeS® Radial® (ELVeS® = Endo Laser Vein System) is the world’s most common laser system for treating venous insufficiency. In proctology, biolitec® offers a maximum sphincter-sparing therapy for anal fistulas as well as treatment options for hemorrhoids and pilonidal cysts. In urology, the range of therapies has expanded from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) to bladder and prostate tumors. The LEONARDO® Mini laser, which weighs only 900 g, has been specially developed for mobile applications. Gentle laser applications in the fields of gynecology, ENT, thoracic surgery and pneumology, esthetics, and orthopedics are also part of biolitec®’s business field. The latest development is the tissue-preserving biolitec® laser method ThyLA for benign enlarged thyroid glands. Further information is available at

biolitec AG
Joern Gleisner
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Phone: +49 (0) 3641 / 51953-36
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E-Mail: d0ef0ec047f9a5c543395c73bebbb781cec6bd12

Joern Gleisner
Otto-Schott-Str. 15
07745 Jena
Phone: +49 (0) 3641 / 51953-36
Fax: +49 (0) 6172 / 27159-69
E-Mail: d0ef0ec047f9a5c543395c73bebbb781cec6bd12