Reiner Knizia releases games for dice gaming console

Reiner Knizia cooperates with unidice Team – brand new games for the digital die

Unidice – the programmable gaming console in shape of a die has convinced the legendary German game designer Reiner Knizia – known for the award winning games „Who Was It“ and „Keltis“ Now he is reinventing the dice gaming experience with Tilt, Tap, Doubletap and Shake, introducing new dice interactions into the world of tabletop and board games together with the inventors of the Unidice system.
Both existing and brand new games will flow from Knizia“s pen to be released as mobile app versions with the unidice next year – using the unidice like a gaming console.
His game „Los Banditos“ can already be viewed at gaming fairs and the yet to be released Caesaris is ready to be introduced as well as other unidiced Hybrid games. Connecting to your cellphone via Bluetooth, these games convey the potential of the unidice to automate and simplify complex game mechanics. The new unidiced Kniza game apps are intuitive in their design and you learn the game as you go, eliminating the necessity for looking up rules. The unidice not only fires up the imagination of Knizia but game designers all around the globe who are already hyped for the open source SDK, which will be released soon in 2023.
And the revolution of the digital die has only begun, unidice developers already plan to eventually implement features such as animations and sounds. With the new gaming potential unlocked by the unidice systen and Reiner Knizia, we are poised for a new frontier in dice gaming. The collaboration between Reiner Knizia and Unidice will bring in new games and systems as it progresses.

If you wish to support the unidice generation, you can follow them on Kickstarter, which will launch 17th Jan 2023 – and additionally secure yourself the 50% discount on the first kickstarter campaign day!

unidice GmbH
2020 in Marktrodach (Deutschland) gegründet, möchten wir mit unserem Produkt und seinen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten den Menschen neue Spielideen und Spielewelten eröffnen. Durch die Neuerfindung von Altbekanntem sollen Phantasien angeregt und Generationen vereint werden. Wir ermöglichen mit dem unidice den Alltag spielerisch besser, effizienter und abwechslungsreicher zu gestalten.

unidice GmbH
Matteo Werth
Am Anger
96364 Marktrodach
Phone: +49 9261 6262-0

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