X-GLOO keeps on growing with the 8×8 Tent

X-GLOO keeps on growing with the 8x8 Tent

Skywalk widens product palette with a large event tent in the
extraordinary X-GLOO design

Grassau, 01.06.2012 – Skywalk continues to expand internationally: with the 8×8 tent, the modular X-GLOO Tent System has surpassed itself! Topping out at 4,80 meters, the new event tent is considerably higher than the previously largest 6×6 X-GLOO and impresses with a knock-out visual appearance. The covered area of the new premium tent has now increased to 30m2, thereby opening up completely new markets and an undreamed of range of use: mobile marketing actions, unusual marketing campaigns, large-scale roadshows, big events or innovative tradeshow presentations indoors or outdoors!
When it comes to branding, the new 8×8 X-GLOO sets new standards: with this new giant
tent, X-GLOO clients have a significantly larger surface for their advertising wishes: the 8×8 Side Walls offer a surface area of 33,54 m2 for personalisation, the Roof offers an additional ca. 25 m2 printable area and even the air-filled supporting legs have „grown“ somewhat with a diameter of 43 cm. The 8×8 allrounder can be personalised with sewn application or screen printing on the Roof, Side Walls and Tubes (supporting legs), just like its predecessors (4×4, 5×5, 6×6). „With the 8×8 we are introducing another smart marketing- and promotional tent which is sure to generate high attention-getting value for our clients thanks to the multitude of branding options“, says Everhard Uphoff, X-GLOO Head of Sales and Marketing.
The new 8×8 lightweight tent meets the same standards as the existing X-GLOOs in handling and transport: inflated once with air this immense new structure is stable indoors or outdoors. The same premium X-GLOO materials come into use in the 8×8 Tent: all are lightweight yet waterproof, offer high UV-protection and fulfill the CPAI-84/B1 fire protection norm.
„The 8×8 X-GLOO is the logical consequence of our quest to set new benchmarks in quality and innovation“, according to Manfred Kistler, General Manager at Skywalk and inventor of the X-GLOO. „We are happy to offer a new product, the 8×8 tent, in the sleek aerodynamic X-GLOO design. Despite the size, the 8×8 offers all of the winning advantages of the XGLOO system such as stability and durability combined with lightness and functional design!“
The trendy 8×8 X-GLOO is available in the X-Pert Version in all of the colors of the Pantone color book.
Accessories such as the inflatable X-RELAX seating round off the product palette of this premium tent. The X-RELAX is also available in all of the colors of the color book and can be designed exclusively according to the clients corporate design guidelines.
You can find additional information and images at x-gloo.com.

Die skywalk GmbH & Co. KG wurde im Jahr 2001 gegründet und ist mittlerweile mit seinen drei Geschäftsbereichen skywalk, FLYSURFER und X-GLOO Trendsetter in den Sparten Gleitschirm, Kitesurfing und Zeltbau. Der Bereich X-GLOO entwickelt und vertreibt das modulare Event Zeltsystem, ein aerodynamisch geformtes, aufblasbares Leichtbauzelt mit Zubehör, das sich bestens als Promotions-, Eventzelt oder innovativer Messestand im In- und Outdoorbereich eignet. Das verwendete Hightechmaterial des Zeltherstellers ist bei jedem Wetter und Untergrund einsetzbar und nach den jeweiligen Corporate Design Richtlinien der Kunden gestaltbar. Der Erfolg des Unternehmens beruht auf der jahrelangen Erfahrung aus der Luftfahrt in Bezug auf Materialauswahl sowie Funktionsdesign. Diverse Patente, Gebrauchsmuster und Auszeichnungen, wie der reddot design award für das X-GLOO, zeugen vom schöpferischen Geist der Firma. Ergebnis eines kontinuierlichen Wachstums ist ein 33-köpfiges Team junger Fachkräfte und ein weltweit erwirtschafteter Umsatz in Millionenhöhe.

Weitere Infos und Bildmaterial finden Sie unter www.skywalk.org

skywalk GmbH & CO KG
Everhard Uphoff
Bahnhofstrasse 110
83224 Grassau