„If one makes a journey, then he can experience something“, so a winged saying goes, to this one would have to add, „but woe he flies with the Hungarian breakdown airline WIZZ Air from the scandal airport BER“, then he can not only experience something, but then he will find out that the combination WIZZ Air and BER becomes a nightmare!
For weeks, there have been massive and shameful delays in flights with WIZZ Air from the German capital Berlin to the Ukrainian capital Kiev. While on 22 December 2021 there were „only“ 1.42 hours of delays, the madness at the scandalous airport BER was taken to the extreme on 23 December 2021.
After the mishap airline WIZZ Air had only provided two employees for the check-in counter, which was an unimaginably massive delay for check-in, passengers had to wait out an hour and 15 minutes after walking to the gate, because in the Berlin-Brandenburg „Willy Brandt“ airport, which was planned with complete dilettantism and blatant incompetence, the treadmills have not been working since the „opening“ of what Berlin calls the „junk airport“, the treadmills do not work, the passengers, after they had been sitting in the plane for a full 54 minutes, the plane was de-iced, had to find out that the breakdown airline WIZZ Air dropped the passengers only about 200 metres later with a downright pathetic excuse back where the passengers had „started“, at the junk airport BER!
The pilot laconically informed the passengers, who had been sitting in their seats for 54 minutes, without any emotion, that the crew was beyond their working hours and that they would not be flying again today! This madness seems to be the order of the day at the Hungarian low-cost airline WIZZ Air; the statistics of WIZZ Air’s delays speak pathetic volumes.
However, anyone who believes that the odyssey has come to an end for the passengers with the cancellation of the flight is mistaken, after another 32 minutes had passed on board the aircraft before the passengers could disembark, the passengers had to wait a full hour and 34 minutes afterwards for their luggage, the junk airport BER sends its regards, incompetence and faulty planning have struck again, the stupid one is the passenger in a capital city which passes on the junk airport BER from one airport boss and from politician to politician, Nothing has changed, tearing down and reopening Tegel and Tempelhof airports would probably be the best thing – as a maltreated German taxpayer who has paid an actual six billion euros for the junk airport BER instead of the planned construction costs of 1.9 billion euros in 2005, one would have to cry if it were not so pathetic for the German capital Berlin to be ashamed of the mindless planning errors of highly paid project managers!
At this point, every passenger should be advised to do two things:
To urgently mean the mishap airline WIZZ Air in the future and
to claim their rights for the flight that did not take place from WIZZ Air with flight number W66114 via https://www.flightright.de/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs5mBv-X79AIViuh3Ch2zhQHDEAAYASAAEgJ9ZfD_BwE
To know: If your flight is cancelled less than 14 days before departure, you may be entitled to compensation of between €250 and €600 per person under the EU Air Passenger Rights Regulation.
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