For decades, KVM systems have been an integral part of the broadcast sector. TV stations, production houses, OB vans or post-production studios all use KVM systems to link classic broadcasting technology and their infrastructure to IT technology and to move more towards IT-based studios. But how do KVM systems become really efficient?
Guntermann & Drunck GmbH, a German manufacturer of KVM equipment, is focusing on usability and the seamless integration of its products into the operating environment as well as on high-quality KVM products made in Germany. Or in other words, on letting users operate G&D KVM systems as easily, intuitively and user-friendly as possible. KVM systems help move powerful computers out of studio and production areas and into air-conditioned equipment rooms. Producers, however, still have full access to all computers to be able to switch to the right systems at the right time. Therefore, they do not even realise that they operate their systems remotely.
The wide range of user-friendly functionalities such as CrossDisplay-Switching via mouse cursor shows how much G&D thinks about their users and the user-friendly operation of their systems. The feature has been specifically designed for multi-monitor workstations that access multiple computers at the same time. The mouse acts as if on a „virtual desktop“ and can be moved seamlessly across the connected displays. When moving the cursor from the active to an inactive display, the keyboard-mouse focus automatically switches to the connected computer. This lets users create multi-monitor user stations, which can be operated with one set of keyboard and mouse. Here, special LEDs indicate the active channel. Thus, producers, directors or staff members of post-production always see on which computer they are currently working.
Remote control via IP-Control-API
In addition to a range of integrated, useful functionalities, you can use special services to control G&D matrix systems over network. This way, external control options can be added to any system-specific operating concept. For an easier start, G&D provides its own remote GUI as graphical user interface. It is also possible to integrate G&D matrix systems into control concepts such as KSC Core, VSM or Avid’s ProTools. No matter where they are located – each computer can be connected to the desired projection media and/or operator screens. In the perfect symbiosis between the IT and the broadcast world, the matrix can also automatically follow complex application processes.
With their user-friendly functionalities and many new product innovations, G&D take account of the trends in the broadcast industry and currently offer the broadest range of KVM systems available on the market. The company will present its powerful solutions at IBC 2017, 15-19 September, Hall 1, Stand B10.
Die Guntermann & Drunck GmbH ist ein führender deutscher Hersteller digitaler und analoger High-End-KVM-Produkte für Kontrollräume aus der Flugsicherung, dem Broadcast, der Industrieprozesskontrolle sowie für maritime Anwendungen. Mit einem breiten Spektrum an KVM-Extendern, -Switches und -Matrixswitches bietet G&D seinen Anwendern das wohl größte verfügbare KVM-Produktportfolio auf dem Markt, das miteinander kompatibel und untereinander kombinierbar ist.
KVM-Produkte von G&D optimieren den IT-Einsatz und verbessern die Arbeitsbedingungen für Mensch und Maschine. Sie sind die stillen Unterstützer im Hintergrund, leistungsstark und jederzeit einsatzbereit. Durch kurze Kommunikationswege und die Bündelung aller Kernkompetenzen wie Entwicklung, Produktmanagment, Vertrieb, Marketing und Produktion unter einem Dach, begleitet G&D seine Kunden von der technischen Erstberatung, über die anwendungsspezifische Unterstützung vor Ort bis hin zum After-Sales-Support aus einer Hand.
Unabhängig davon, wie unterschiedlich die Rahmenbedingungen einzelner KVM-Installationen sind, eines haben sie gemeinsam: den Bedarf an robusten, zuverlässigen, benutzerfreundlichen und intuitiv zu bedienenden KVM-Produkten zu sichern. Und das mit der G&D-typischen Qualität, die zu Recht das Siegel „Made in Germany“ trägt.
G&D – if it’s KVM.
Guntermann & Drunck GmbH
Jochen Bauer
Obere Leimbach 9
57074 Siegen
Phone: 004927123872-100
Fax: 004927123872-120