What are the biggest challenges in automated systems?

Tube processing machines – Interview with Stefanie Flaeper, CEO at transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH

What are the biggest challenges in automated systems?

What does digitalization mean to you?
First of all, digitalization means making processes more transparent. With the use of diagnostics before starting the work, it is possible to make the processes more compact and streamlined. However, we don“t want full transparency and network connections, as the issue of data security is important and must not be underestimated.
The digital opportunities must always be used with the goal of improvement, be specific for the individual processes and not used just because you can.

What are the biggest challenges in automated systems?
On one hand, the challenges are often linked to the size of the production runs and the need for flexibility. On the other hand, it also depends on how qualified the people are, who set up and maintain the system: the solutions should be simple, intuitive and easy to use, without the operator having to do any complex programming.

Why is flexibility so important for automation?
What the market wants, the products and the technology can all change very quickly at the moment. Nobody knows exactly what the future looks like. For this reason, it is important that the automated systems are very flexible, so they can deliver top results straight-away, also when the requirements change. This also means developing complete kits, for many geometries and diameters.

What efficiency opportunities are there with robotics, in addition to the handling, and what does the future looks like in this area?
Robots can do more and more things and can be used in many ways, even as machines. The robots are very flexible when you look at individual components. For instance, a bending robot is very effective for complex geometries and long tubes.

What are the most important trends in engineering and in particular in the area of tube processing technology?
Specialization, digitalization, the development of new forming processes and, of course, the processing of new and better materials open up completely new opportunities.

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transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH – the solution for tubes

transfluid is sought after worldwide as a partner for manufacturing tube bending machines and tube processing machines. Since 1988 transfluid has been further developing its technologies for tube machining, so that it can provide customer-oriented, tailor-made solutions – for plant and machine construction, the automotive and energy industries,
shipbuilding and medical device manufacturing.

transfluid’s product portfolio offers perfect solutions in five different machine categories, that meet all the requirements in tube processing. t bend stands for a wide range of tube bending machines, which fulfil the highest demands in terms of industrial applications. The tube forming machines in the t form range offer the perfect tube shaping solutions. Tube forming is important as an individual or supplementary process, in order to obtain optimally tailored tubes. Automation systems are offered as fully developed concepts for bending and forming technology, under t motion. t cut covers the field of tube cutting machines. Here, transfluid is able to provide a range of different systems, for example for chipless orbital cutting and special knive separation processes. The category t clean encompasses tube cleaning machines. These ensure the cleanliness of workpieces and tubes. Additionally, with the new tu go range, transfluid offers a standardised portfolio of machinery, which is available from stock for immediate delivery. transfluid offers the powerful software t project for rapid and reliable tube processing. It can be used as an effective online solution for bending machines and the majority of CAD systems.


transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH
Stefanie Flaeper
Hünegräben 20-22
57392 Schmallenberg
Phone: +49 2972 97 15 – 0
Fax: +49 2972 97 15 – 11
E-Mail: s.koehler@psv-marketing.de
Url: https://www.transfluid.net/en/homepage.html

Stefan Köhler
Schlachthausstraße 10
57072 Siegen
Phone: +49 (0) 271 7700160
E-Mail: s.koehler@psv-marketing.de
Url: http://www.psv-marketing.de