Use your own images for your digital dice games!
You can create your own digital dice using the Unidice app for all your games!
Unidice The programmable dice console for your pocket you can use with TTRPG, Mobile & Board Games will be released with the unidice app. Not only can you interact with the Unidice using Tilt, Tap, Shake and Roll, you can also customize the digital displays for whatever your gaming needs may be. All of the die faces can be changed using the unidice app and your cellphone.
Create any die you need with your custom images using the app
You can turn every display into any kind of die with the unidice app, adding up to a total of 6 dice in one unidice. Just add a die and type in the number of sides you want and you can easily create a D6, D20, D100 or even a D11. Using the app you can also add, crop, zoom and shift the image as needed. After editing, the unidice app automatically adjusts the image to the display resolution (240px x 240px) and you“re done!
Background, border and text options
You can add text, borders, and background color directly in the app. You can quickly adjust these options via color wheel and opacity slider. If e.g. the image is too bright, you can just put a black, transparent background over it to make the text easier to read.
Create a set of dice for your game
As soon as you have created the dice you want, you can set your dice in the unidice app. Just click on the display on the rotatable 3D- dice model and choose which dice you want in your set. Then just save and install and you“re ready to use your All-In-One unidice!
Fix dice display positions
Usually all unidice displays are randomized but the unidice app allows you to fix the display position. Since the unidice can tell apart top and bottom, you can have the top or bottom die always show up in the position you have fixed. This means that as soon as the unidice comes to a „hard stop“, the unidice will switch the display defined as top to the top side if necessary.
More features to be added in the future
For unidice app 2.0 there will be more functions, like animations or sounds that can be triggered on the app with unidice dice results!
Hyped for the unidice? Then you can look forward to the unidice market release in the 2nd half of 2023. You can also support the unidice project and get notified for the KICKSTARTER deal for up to 50% off and follow unidice on Kickstarter, which will launch on 17th Jan 2023!
unidice GmbH
2020 in Marktrodach (Deutschland) gegründet, möchten wir mit unserem Produkt und seinen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten den Menschen neue Spielideen und Spielewelten eröffnen. Durch die Neuerfindung von Altbekanntem sollen Phantasien angeregt und Generationen vereint werden. Wir ermöglichen mit dem unidice den Alltag spielerisch besser, effizienter und abwechslungsreicher zu gestalten.
unidice GmbH
Matteo Werth
Am Anger 1
96364 Marktrodach
Phone: +49 9261 6262-0
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