U.S. CET Corporation informs – How to get an ITIN if you“re a non-US resident?

U.S. CET Corporation informs - How to get an ITIN if you"re a non-US resident?


ITIN stands for Individual Tax Payers Identification Number. An ITIN is basically a tax ID given to non-US residence (and some US residents) who need to file tax returns or reports, but do not qualify for an SSN (Social Security Number).

It“s important to point out that although it works in a similar way to an SSN, for tax reporting, it can“t be used for employment within the US. It also can“t be used as ID in the US.

In some cases an ITIN may be useful when applying for a US bank account. However, you shouldn“t apply for an ITIN to simply apply for a bank account.

The IRS states the following: „If you do not have an SSN and are not eligible to obtain an SSN, but you have a requirement to furnish a federal tax identification number or file a federal income tax return, you must apply for an ITIN.“

Some US companies (if paying a commission to you) require a tax ID. For example, if you“re using services like CreateSpace.com (an Amazon.com company) then they ask you to apply for an ITIN. In this case, CreateSpace.com will provide you with a letter that you can submit with your ITIN application.

There are potentially two main benefits to getting an ITIN as a non-US resident.

1. It will allow you to file a personal US tax return and claim any withholding tax, if applicable.

2. An ITIN may be useful when dealing with other US companies, including banks, corporations, etc.

If you have set up a US company this may also help you to apply for an ITIN.

For more information on getting an ITIN click the link to visit the IRS website ITIN Information.

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Die US CET Corporation ist ein internationaler Dienstleister der sich seit 2007 u.a. auf die Firmengründung USA sowie den Aufbau einer Geschäfts-repräsentanz in den USA, insbesondere im US-Bundesstaat Florida spezialisiert hat.

Im Rahmen des Aufbaues einer Geschäftsrepräsentanz in den USA ermöglichen wir es international orientierten Kunden/Unternehmen mit überschaubarem Zeit- und Geldaufwand auf dem amerikanischen Markt Fuß zu fassen, ohne ein Büro mit eigenem Personal einrichten zu müssen.

Bildrechte: MYUSCORP

U.S. CET Corporation
Leonhard W.J. Becker
P.O. Box 8865
34101 Naples, FL (USA)
+1(800)881-5739 Ext.6