U.S. CET Corporation informs about the advantage of a C-Corporation

U.S. CET Corporation informs about the advantage of a C-Corporation


When registering a company, C corporation or C corp is the most common corporation type, but it isn“t always the top choice for small business owners. C corporations provide limited liability protection to owners, who are called shareholders, meaning owners are typically not personally responsible for business debts and liabilities. C corporations may also offer greater tax advantages because of an expanded ability to deduct employee benefits, which are most often used by growing businesses.

C corporations typically provide a number of advantages:

– Limited liability protection. Owners are not typically responsible for business debts and liabilities
– Unlimited owners. C corps can have an unlimited number of shareholders
– Easy transfer of ownership. Ownership is easily transferable through the sale of stock.
– Unlimited life. When a corporation’s owner incurs a disabling illness or dies, the corporation does not cease to exist.
– Lower audit risk. Generally C corporations are audited less frequently than sole proprietorships

How do you form a C corporation?

In order to register a company as a C corporation, Articles of Incorporation (sometimes called a Certificate of Incorporation, must be filed with the state and the necessary filing fees paid. Upon incorporation, C corporations are also required to adopt bylaws, hold an initial meeting of directors and shareholders, and issue shares of stock to owners.

Die US CET Corporation ist ein internationaler Dienstleister der sich seit 2007 u.a. auf die Firmengründung USA sowie den Aufbau einer Geschäfts-repräsentanz in den USA, insbesondere im US-Bundesstaat Florida spezialisiert hat.

Im Rahmen des Aufbaues einer Geschäftsrepräsentanz in den USA ermöglichen wir es international orientierten Kunden/Unternehmen mit überschaubarem Zeit- und Geldaufwand auf dem amerikanischen Markt Fuß zu fassen, ohne ein Büro mit eigenem Personal einrichten zu müssen.

Bildrechte: MYUSCORP

U.S. CET Corporation
Leonhard W.J. Becker
P.O. Box 8865
34101 Naples, FL (USA)
+1(800)881-5739 Ext.6