The ONE Challenge – Success can be learned

Chris Ley, a speaker and coach has postulated the theory, that success can be learned. He intends to prove this theory now with an unprecedented and exciting challenge – in only 111 days.

The One Challeng – To overcome your fears, cross boundaries and broaden your horizons.

That is what this project is about, for which Chris has come up with his own tasks, or rather 11 challenges. These challenges will lead him both physically and mentally to its limits and beyond. In order to be successful, he requires a perfect strategy and a perfect team of mentors at his side. These mentors are personalities and experts in their field, which will help him with their knowledge and expertise, to complete all these challenges in 111 days.

However, it is much more important to him, that as many people as possible are part of this challenge. He wan’s to show you, that you can achieve anything in life, provided one knows how to do it and has strong partners at its side. Therefore, The 1 Challenge will not be done secretly, but rather public. Everyone who is enthusiastic about the project, can witness it on the Internet, on TV and of course on site.
These are the 11 challenges

1. Conquer the Everest in one day:
Chris will climb the height of 8378 meters, the Mount Everest, in just one day. Of course, he will not climb the mountain itself, but rather the „Burj Khalifa“, the tallest building in the world, which is located in the United Arab Emirates. The height is thereby mastered in the stairwell of the building.

2. How to inspire people?
Chris has taken on the task, during The 1 Challenge to convince 11 personalities from show business, politics and economics of his project in such a way, that they will personally give him a statement on video.

3. Brain Gain:
With the help of a linguistic genius and innovative learning system, Chris wants to learn a foreign language and is going to give a speech in front of a professional audience at the end of the challenge.

4. The Long Walk:
Chris is going to contest in the „Gobi March China“. This is one of the toughest marathons in the world and is held in the desert of Morocco. 250 kilometers, 40 degrees during the day and 5 degrees at night, in just 7 days. The survival equipment is carried by himself. Only the water is provided.
5. Feel like Superman:
Chris will recreate the strength exercises from the famous YouTube video „the 44 best exercises“ and also post a video of it.

6. Faith can move mountains:
Chris will take this literally and load 11 tonnes of cereals in only 11 hours onto a truck. The only aid is a shovel. Afterwards the grain will be baked into breads, which will be donated to 11 social institutions.

7. Doing a good deed every day:
Every day Chris will do something good for one person. He will not use any money, because not only the big gestures count.

8. Iron Fist:
Chris is going to smash a pile of bricks with his bare hand. This challenge will put high demands on his body and mind. It will also require high precision and a perfect combination of focus, mental strength, concentration and the right technique.
9. Raising Money:
During the Challenge Chris will fascinate people, inspire and do a lot of persuading. The aim is to collect 1 million euros for a value-changing, innovative and great project.

10. Blackbox challenge facing fear:
The community chooses the challenge by voting on the website. Three tasks are available.

11.“Tell Your Story“:
Finally and as the highlight of „The ONE Challenge“, Chris will speak to the graduates and other guests of the West Point Academy in the USA. The aim is to give an emotional and inspiring review of the past 111 days in front of at least 1111 enthusiastic listeners.

Crowdfunding – The One challenge needs you!
The One Challenge will be financed as crowdfunding-project on Kickstarter ( That means everyone can be part of the success story. And you will get the knowledge, skills and strategies as well. As supporter of TOC you“ll for example a signed FIRST EDITION of „THE ONE CHALLENGE“ BOOK, the e-book of „The One Challenge“, access to the VIP TOC-community to follow „THE ONE CHALLENGE“ within challenge videos + success diary + interviews + tutorials. And of course you“ll receive this extremely great feeling of being part of the supportteam. (

Die Philosophie der Akademie
Jeder Mensch hat Ziele –
und Träume, die ihn antreiben und die er erreichen möchte. Sei es das Ziel, sich gesünder zu ernähren und mehr Sport zu treiben, mehr Zeit für Familie und Freunde zu haben oder Karriere zu machen und finanziell gut abgesichert zu sein. Doch oft werden die Ziele nur in Teilen erreicht oder auf halber Strecke aufgegeben, weil die Motivation und Kraft fehlen, den Weg bis zum Ziel durchzuhalten. Hier greift die von Chris Ley entwickelte LIFE CHALLENGE STRATEGIE, mit der auch scheinbar unerreichbare Ziele in greifbare Nähe rücken und in einem vorab definierten Zeitrahmen erreicht werden können.

Christian Ley
Salzstr. 36
41460 Neuss
0049 1774653686