Tata Communications ermöglicht weltweites Anruf-Management für Contact Center über die Cloud

Tata Communications bietet künftig eine neue Cloud-basierte Plattform für die Contact Center-Branche an. New Intelligent Call Routing (ICR)- und Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-Produkte bieten eine integrierte Lösung für das Routing und Verteilen von Anrufen über Call Center, die länderübergreifend arbeiten oder mehrere Standorte haben. Das Routing wird über eine einzige, vollständig aktivierte IP-Plattform abgewickelt und ist daher aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht besonders effizient.

Tata Communications takes global contact centre call management to the cloud
Cloud-based ICR / IVR products launched worldwide

New York (NYSE) & Mumbai (BSE) – 15 September 2011 – Tata Communications today announces the launch of a new cloud-based platform for the global contact centre industry. New Intelligent Call Routing (ICR) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) products offer an integrated solution for routing and distributing calls across multi-geography and multi-site call centres. Routing takes place over a single, fully enabled IP platform, delivering business efficiencies and a superior customer experience.

The on-demand, pay-per-use routing and distribution platform is based on the same all-IP core that powers the company“s leading international voice network, covering 240 countries and territories worldwide. Customers will be able to leverage the robustness and global reach of this network whilst benefiting from a reduction in CAPEX equipment cost, OPEX power and management costs as well as overall ease-of-use.

„By integrating cloud-based ICR and IVR to its existing service portfolio, Tata Communications continues to be at the forefront of adopting a solutions-oriented approach to the voice business. By applying the tenets of a cloud approach to the contact centre industry, the company can enable customers to offload implementation and execution challenges whilst at the same time scale efficiently by adding new sites or changing call flows to respond to market demands,“ says Jayesh Easwaramony, Vice President for ICT Practice, Frost & Sullivan.

Tata Communications“ ICR / IVR solutions routes calls based on customer prompts or pre-determined rules, making it simple to distribute calls to the most appropriate global destination in relation to the time of day or day of week, increasing operational efficiencies.

„Taking ICR and IVR into the cloud is an obvious evolution for Tata Communications as it brings together two of our core competencies – our global voice network and our managed services capabilities. Our customers have told us that there is a clear advantage in being able to seamlessly link these services around the world without resorting to complex procedures and integrations. This in turn, allows our clients to support their own customers and applications in the most beneficial way for their business. It is a winning combination of a reduction in operational costs and increased usability,“ says Christian Michaud, SVP, Product Marketing and Business Development, Global Voice Solutions, Tata Communications. „This new offering is a further enhancement of our existing cloud portfolio and reinforces our leading position in the Indian Hosted Contact Centre Market.“

The ICR / IVR platform includes multisite management that allows customised routing by access number, a choice of interconnects via VoIP or TDM, percentage allocation to optimise traffic distribution and global fallback routing along with multi-language and customisable call flow applications – all of which are aimed at ensuring the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

Über Tata Communications
Tata Communications ist weltweiter Anbieter einer neuen Welt der Kommunikation. Mit einer leitenden Position auf den Schwellenmärkten lässt Tata Communications seine fortschrittlichen Möglichkeiten und Domänenkenntnisse in die globalen und pan-indischen Netzwerke einfließen, um verwaltete Lösungen für multinationale Konzerne, Dienstanbieter und indische Verbraucher zu liefern.

Das Tata Global Netzwerk umfasst eines der größten und modernsten Unterseekabelnetzwerke, ein Tier-1-IP-Netzwerk mit Konnektivität in über 200 Ländern in 400 PoPs und ein ca. 1 Million Quadratfuss großes Datenzentrum und Kollokationsraum weltweit.

Tata Communications Tiefe und Breite beim Erreichen der Schwellenmärkte umfasst die Führung in den indischen Geschäftsdatendiensten, Führungsposition bei der globalen internationalen Sprachübertragung, sowie strategische Investitionen in Südafrika (Neotel), Sri Lanka (Tata Communications Lanka Limited) und Nepal (United Telecom Limited).

Tata Communications Limited ist an der Bombay-Börse und der nationalen Börse von Indien gelistet, seine ADRs sind an der New Yorker Börse gelistet. (NYSE: TCL)

Tata Communications
Janice Goveas
Bandra Kurla Complex
400 098 Mumbai
+91 922 339 4575

Hill & Knowlton Communications GmbH
Nicole Stück
Schwedlerstraße 6
60314 Frankfurt am Main
069 244 3292 13