TAPKO Technologies shows devices from KNXperience
September 09 to October 02, 2020 the online exhibition KNXperience will take place.
WHAT is there to see?
TAPKO exhibition booth:
New documents directly for download and more exciting links to trade fair topics.
Live chat:
During the fair days you can reach our experts in the chat room.
Three times webinars:
Our specialists give a live lecture on the mentioned dates.
Webinars live:
Sept-30-2020 / Wednesday / 16:30 / Lecture in German by Peter Sperlich
„Tapko Technologies GmbH – From zero to one hundred with OEM products“
Oct-01-2020 / Donnerstag / 13:30 / presentation in English by Aik Peng Lee / Peter Sperlich
„Tapko Technologies GmbH – The KNX OEM Provider“
Oct-02-2020 / Freitag / 16:00 Uhr/ Lecture in English by Peter Sperlich
„Tapko Technologies GmbH – OEM News and Highlights“
We are already looking forward to your participation in the online exhibition.
How to get to the fair – Link to KNXperience
TAPKO Technologies GmbH was founded in October 1999 by Klaus Adler and Petar Tomić. The two managing directors, Dipl. Klaus Adler and Dipl.-Ing. Petar Tomić, have were a driving force in the EIB/KNX market for ten years before the establishment of TAPKO GmbH. Company headquarters are located in Regensburg, South Germany. TAPKO is a full member of the KNX Association and is certified according to ISO 9001/2008.
TAPKO“s growth from a German KNX specialist to a brand of European and international repute is based on its strong technology innovation and successful collaboration with partner companies.
This cooperation with partner companies was instrumental in building TAPKO into a company able to offer – from development to production – all process steps of KNX components from a single source. The portfolio covers the entire service for product ideas, product development and manufacturing. TAPKO can provide to customers all the necessary components and services for this purpose, including our own TestLab.
Tapko Technologies GmbH
Petar Tomic
Im Gewerbepark A15
93059 Regensburg
Phone: (+49) 941 30747-0
E-Mail: info@tapko.de
Url: http://www.tapko.de
MARKTWERT Marketing Consulting
Matthias Fischer
An der Scheuerbreite 12
93073 Neutraubling
Phone: 09401912690
E-Mail: erfolg@marktwert.net
Url: http://www.marktwert.marketing
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