– Notably innovative products receive the Taiwan Excellence Award
– Innovations confirmed by international experts
– Four selected products at the Automechanika
The Taiwan Excellence Award is a well-respected prize which is granted for products of special innovation. It is jointly given by the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). The target is to encourage the domestic industry to advance its innovative power. Key indicators to win this prize are research and development, design, quality and marketing. Each of these categories is equal in importance. An international jury of experts is judging the products in several rounds. The Taiwan Excellence Award was established in 1993 and shows the high innovative capability of Taiwanese businesses.
Taiwan Excellence presented four award-winning automotive products at the Automechanika 2014. As information technology is one of the strong points of the Taiwanese industry, it is obvious that three of these products are electronic components. However, giving the prize to a tire manufacturer demonstrates the growing significance of the development of complex and high-quality chassis components in the Taiwanese industry.
The Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs has been actively supporting the innovative capability of the country“s businesses since the 1980s, in particular the industrial competitiveness with regard to quality, design and image. It has always been the Taiwanese companies“ ambition to offer their customers highly matured and first-class products. This philosophy finds its outward expression in the Taiwan Excellence Award. The Taiwan Excellence Award emblem is made up of six interwoven curved lines. In Taiwanese culture they represent the spirit of highest fulfillment. The award winners may be selected for Silver and Gold Awards. The indicators are R&D, design, quality and marketing and are of equal importance. Most decisive criteria is the incorporated innovative value.
Fotos: http://www.eventbildservice.de/galerie/NDM4fDE2NTFjZjBkMmY3MzdkN2FkZWFiODRkMzM5ZGJhYmQz/
Film: http://vimeo.com/erlesen/review/107149453/32067ba3ed
Das Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) hat gemeinsam mit einigen besonders leistungsfähigen taiwanesischen Zulieferern Produkte ausgewählt, die den Taiwan Excellence Award gewonnen haben und besonders interessant für die Besucher der Automechanika sind.
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