Staedtler + Beck GmbH awarded as a think tank

Staedtler + Beck GmbH awarded as a think tank

TOP 100 award presentation

Ranga Yogeshwar honors the most innovative SMEs
– The Staedtler + Beck GmbH in Speyer is one of the „Top 100“

Speyer – They have excellent spirit of invention, exemplary innovation processes and successfully hit the bridge from idea to market success: the most innovative SMEs in Germany.: Will be presented on June 22nd in Friedrichshafen / Germany, the prestigious seal of approval „Top 100“ by Ranga Yogeshwar.

Maximum flexibility and the ability to quickly react to changes – that certifies the „Top 100“ analysis of the innovation management to the company from Speyer. For the manufacturer of test and shut-off devices for gas, water and sewage piping, these properties are ultimately necessary for survival. Because permanent changes in standards, regulations or laws are controlling the market.

„We cannot excessively think visionary, but rather must stay down to earth“, explains CEO Thomas Stevens. But the contractor has set itself with its 33 employees thereon. So he considers close contacts with industry associations and the customers. For example there are regular meetings of a working group with customers , among others also represented by big public utility companies. From this board often come suggestions and requests that lead directly to innovations. „We are in principle innovative and flexible, because it is important to us and it is fun to be market-leading“, confirms the technical director Philipp Baron-Schroeder.

The real innovator engine of the company is however the CEO Stevens himself. He is active in numerous associations and travels a lot as a guest speaker. Especially in the association’s work, such as the „German Association of Gas and Water“, often are being set the course for technical innovations. „If the there representing opinion leaders like big gas works say, now we go into a certain direction, you must follow. Otherwise you can´t last long „, Stevens knows. He is also well-wired in politics to know in a early stage of decisions and legislative changes. For if, for example, a change in laws for gas and water connections for homeowners suggests, this may be a new market.

Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team at the Vienna University of Economics have examined the innovation management of 281 medium-sized enterprises. The best of them received the prestigious seal of approval „Top 100″. CEO Stevens rejoices about the honor and emphasizes the team effort: I feel the seal of approval as an award for our employees. Their enthusiasm and effort is our innovation factor number one. At the same time we have established the right processes to ensure that this creativity can unfold productively. This combination makes us successful.“

Compamedia is honoring in cooperation with the Vienna University of Economics a total of 116 companies from maximum100 in each of the three size groups. These include 51 national market leaders and 20 world market leaders. 2011 generated all companies together a sales turnover of around EUR 8.1 million. 100 of them achieved in the past three years, a growth that was above the industry average – and that on average by 20 percentage points. In research and development as well as innovation processes the SMEs invested in 2011 the sum of 623 million EUR. The companies plan to hire over the next three years, nearly 6,000employees, which would correspond to a staff increase of 12%.

Bildrechte: Compamedia

As a traditional company Staedtler + Beck offers a comprehensive and proven range of standard products and special services around the pipeline, the testing and sealing, and their maintenance, repair and new development.

Individuality and flexibility based on proven technology and field-tested applications, that is the core competence of Staedtler + Beck. Thus, many innovative developments in collaboration with staedtler + Beck with utilities and users in the field have been created.
Individualität und Flexibilität auf der Basis ausgereifter Technik und praxiserprobter Anwendungen, das ist die Kernkompetenz von Städtler + Beck. So sind viele innovative Entwicklungen von Städtler + Beck in Zusammenarbeit mit Versorgungsbetrieben und Anwendern aus der Praxis entstanden.

Städtler + Beck GmbH
Thomas Stevens
Boschstraße 24
67346 Speyer
0049 6232.3189-0

Heidi Büro für Werbung, Christian Roth
Christian Roth
Am Rathaus 1
76863 Herxheim
Tel. 07276-5030462