Smart Governance Forum in Mongolia

Washington (pressrelations) –

Smart Governance Forum in Mongolia

The World Bank and the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia (GoM) are organizing a „Smart Governance Forum with the support of Information Technology, Post and Telecommunications Authority (ITPTA) at the State Parliament House from May 2 to 3, 2013.

The purpose of the forum is for representatives from government agencies, private sectors and civil societies to exchange experience and information on how to make use of communication technologies to come up with smart solutions for governance.

The forum, based on the Initiative for Transparent Government and Government Action Plan 2012-2016, will discuss the ways to introduce and implement Smart Governance, Open Data and Information Innovation Eco-system – the key factors required to implement government objectives to develop governance with public participation, transparency and responsible governance.

Participants include Advisors to President, Representatives from Cabinet Office of the Government of Mongolia, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Finance, National Statistical Office of Mongolia, ITPTA, Information Technology Office of Mayors Office, IT Park, National Data Center, Open Society Forum, the World Bank, international research experts, donors, development agencies, NGOs and private sectors.

Forum consists of 4 principle phases:

International best practices on „Smart Governance and current status of Mongolia and its future

Open data

Open ideas

Innovations to provide public service

The forum will also provide support in implementing the „National E-Governance Program by ITPTA and GoM.

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