SAPERION is „Together“ with Shareconomy at CeBIT

SAPERION is "Together" with Shareconomy at CeBIT

Herbert Lörch, CEO Saperion AG

SAPERION AG of Germany will act on CeBIT’s keynote theme of „Shareconomy“ with expert meetings and presentations while simultaneously promoting their new mobile document archive „ECM Together“. This platform facilitates joint editing of documents but also utilizes sophisticated security so the company that owns the archive retains complete control over all information.

Berlin – The new „SAPERION ECM Together“ online archive gives users the ability to share and jointly edit documents over the Internet. It is an innovative digital archive solution designed from the start for mobile use and business requirements. Encryption and a sophisticated approach to security and authorization ensure that every change is logged in revision-proof format and only authorized access is possible. This characteristic is a major advantage over many similar offerings that are not designed specifically for secure business use.

On March 8th SAPERION will host expert meetings on these topics at its booth (Hall 3, A20, BITKOM ECM Solutions Park). Appointments may be arranged at but are not necessary. The presentation „Mobile Work & Collaboration“ will augment these opportunities (March 8th at 3:00 pm at the ECM Forum; ).

„SAPERION ECM Together“ stores the documents in the public cloud or in a private cloud in the customer’s computing center. The archive provides all of the functions expected in a modern DMS/ECM system, such as customizable folder and records structures, keywords for every document, preview images, and the assignment of rights for projects and folders that contain several documents.

Versions are available for large corporations that require a user-friendly solution for joint project work as well as for freelancers, independent consultants, and small enterprises. As a result, companies and individuals that previously found similar solutions too costly now have an affordable yet cutting-edge alternative. According to Herbert Lörch, CEO of SAPERION: „Our objective is to provide a straightforward and secure service for legally-compliant archiving and rapid access to archived data. ECM Together is a hassle-free way to get these features.“

About SAPERION: SAPERION is a European manufacturer of high-performance Enterprise Content Management software for medium-sized firms and multinational corporations. As a long-term partner of major global players, SAPERION AG exhibits a straightforward approach to business, tremendous flexibility, and impressive reaction speed. SAPERION“s mission is to bring organizations, people, and processes together so they can react faster and reach better decisions in the dynamic markets of today. Approximately 2000 companies around the world and in virtually every industry use SAPERION to improve the quality of their products, increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and gain critical competitive advantages. SAPERION products target three core issues present at many corporations: process optimization, legal compliance and security, and integration of information. More information available at

Saperion AG
Herbert Lörch
Steinplatz 2
10623 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 60061-0

TennCom AG
Dr. Kurt Christian Tennstädt
Hohentwielstr. 4a
78315 Radolfzell
07732 – 95 39 30