PSA Production in Germany

The production of innovative personal protective equipment (PPE) has gained a new focus in times of the pandemic. The increased demand for protective equipment has multiplied the need for production units. German companies have established themselves as important players in the market, but the questions of international competitiveness come with numerous challenges.

Necessary product developments for international competitiveness

In recent years, German companies have demonstrated their ability to respond quickly and effectively to the increased demand for personal protective equipment (PPE), such as PPE Germany GmbH based in Berlin. Now established as a leading manufacturer of respiratory masks, PPE Germany has made a name for itself as the largest producer of FFP2 masks within Germany and Europe since its founding in 2020. Max Leber, Sales Manager, who has been involved from the beginning, attributes the success of PPE Germany to continuous advancements through innovation and expertise. „Today, we produce up to 45 million medical and FFP2 masks per month at our Berlin location,“ says Max Leber. He knows that, to compete internationally, products and processes must be continuously developed to ensure their future competitiveness. Sustainability aspects must not be overlooked in this process.

International competitiveness

According to Max Leber, a crucial factor for international competitiveness lies in high-quality protective clothing such as masks, disposable gloves, adult diapers, and non-woven fabrics. „The pandemic has highlighted the importance of independence from international markets. PPE Germany aims to ensure the supply with the location in Germany and become a solid pillar for Europe,“ says Leber.

Companies like PPE Germany have high production competence and can rely on a well-trained workforce. Additionally, Germany’s geographical location as an important hub for international trade further supports their position. PPE Germany has recognized these advantages and continues to expand its production capacities.

Promotion of sustainability and circularity

Promoting sustainability and circularity in the field of Personal Protective Equipment is now at the top of the agenda. „Using the latest generation of machines, we manufacture in Germany according to the highest global standards,“ says Max Leber. Through collaboration with official authorities and obtaining the highest certifications, PPE Germany GmbH is preparing for future higher requirements with FFP2 masks and all medical masks. While many industries face criticism for their lack of progress in sustainability, this does not apply to PPE Germany GmbH. They are actively developing new products and processes that reduce the use of environmentally harmful materials and ensure a long product lifespan. The increased utilization and further development of recycling materials and the use of renewable energy in production are also being pursued. The goal of the PPE Group is clearly focused on the efficient and ecological production of first-class Personal Protective Equipment.

New technologies

New technologies such as digitization, automation, and artificial intelligence play an important role in this process. Max Leber explains that these technologies optimize and streamline processes. Additionally, innovative materials and substances are utilized with the aim of achieving high potential savings in resources and energy in the long term.

Max Leber emphasizes that challenges always offer opportunities. „Companies have the opportunity to develop innovative products and processes that ensure sustainability and circularity. This would not only strengthen international competitiveness but also make a significant contribution to environmental protection,“ says Leber.

The European goal must be for European companies to expand their production capacities at the European location while simultaneously developing innovative products and processes that reduce the use of environmentally harmful materials and ensure a long product lifespan. Only in this way can they further strengthen their position as important players in the PPE market, boost international competitiveness, and contribute to environmental protection.

Chanel Ehlers
Project Manager & Blogger

Chanel is actually a project manager for app-based companies, but her passion lies in blogging and sharing ideas that enrich the world and make it a better place sustainably and in the long term. Since 2022, Chanel has been writing for and can be reached at


1. Why is the production of PPE important in Germany?

The production of PPE in Germany is important because it has gained enormous significance during the pandemic. German companies have established themselves as important players in the market; however, their international competitiveness needs to be maintained. Additionally, Germany possesses high production competence and can rely on a well-trained workforce. By expanding production capacities in Germany, companies can leverage these advantages and further strengthen their position as key players in the PPE market.

2. How can German companies strengthen their international competitiveness?

German companies can strengthen their international competitiveness through continuous advancement of their products and processes. In doing so, they must also consider the sustainability and circularity of their production by developing innovative products and processes that reduce the use of environmentally harmful materials and ensure maximum product lifespan. New technologies like digitization, automation, and artificial intelligence can aid in optimizing processes and making them more efficient. Furthermore, companies must expand their production capacities in Germany to leverage the advantages of high production competence and a well-trained workforce.

3. What role does sustainability play in the production of PPE?

Sustainability plays a crucial role in the production of PPE. Reducing the use of environmentally harmful materials and increasing the utilization of recycling materials and renewable energy in production are essential. The development of innovative products and processes that ensure maximum product lifespan is also crucial. New technologies like digitization, automation, and artificial intelligence can contribute to process optimization and increased efficiency. Considering sustainability in the production of PPE not only strengthens international competitiveness but also makes a significant contribution to environmental protection.

PPE Germany GmbH mit Sitz in Berlin sind Spezialisten für Atemschutz Made in Germany. PPE Germany zählt zu den großen europäischen Maskenproduzenten für qualitativ hochwertige FFP2-Masken und startete 2020 mit der Produktion, um die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Schutzausrüstung zu gewährleisten. PPE Germany schützt die Gesundheit von Menschen, die in komplizierten Luftverhältnissen arbeiten und leben müssen beispielsweise durch Virale Kontamination, Krankenhauskeim Kontamination, Bakterielle Kontamination, Staub, Fasern (z.B. durch Mineralwolle), Industrieabgase, Feinstaub. Alle PPE Germany Produkte sind zertifiziert und unterliegen den strengsten Prüfstandards.

PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
E-Mail: 18cfd8ee792f4035db42b0647a65175d603b2947

PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
E-Mail: 18cfd8ee792f4035db42b0647a65175d603b2947

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