Now online: provides information about the laser therapy ELVeS Radial™

ELVeS Radial™: A short and painless treatment with excellent prospects of success – the website offers comprehensive information on the innovative laser therapy ELVeS Radial™ of biolitec® for varicose veins – further information on

Jena, 28. November 2013 – Insufficient veins are a common illness. According to estimates, every fourth to fifth adult has slightly altered veins. Often, the predisposition for connective tissue weakness and vein weakness are reason for varicose veins. When symptoms such as heavy, tired and aching legs occur, then the advice of a vein specialist (phlebologist/surgeon) is demanded. Because ill, dilated veins are not only a cosmetic but also a medical issue. In the worst case, severe cases of varicose veins can also be a sign for a pathologically altered venous system. Yet another reason to not delay the treatment. An efficient possibility to remove varicose veins is the ambulant laser therapy ELVeS Radial™ of biolitec®, a worldwide leading pioneer in the area of medical laser therapy. ELVeS Radial™ is a multifunction system for the treatment of different varix forms and easy to use. During ELVeS Radial™ laser therapy, the fiber is inserted through a small puncture site directly into the vein that´s being treated.

Afterwards the vein is closed from the inside, without injuring the surrounding tissue. Pain and hematomas can thus be nearly completely avoided. The whole treatment takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes. The desired result shows itself right after the minimal medical intervention in a gentle way. During the treatment as well as afterwards, the patient is feeling hardly any to no discomfort at all, so that a fast resumption of the daily activities is possible. The therapy can be covered by the medical insurance company after consultation.

Are you also suffering from varicose veins and are looking for information on the gentle laser therapy of biolitec®? Then visit the website now. It is also available in a German version. On the website, you will find a detailed definition of the disease, its symptoms and prophylaxis as well as a description of the different possibilities for treatment with their advantages and disadvantages.

On the welcome page, we keep you updated on the latest information and innovations regarding the ELVeS Radial™ laser therapy through the item „In Focus“. If you need further material and information on the biolitec® therapy, please request it under „Bulletin“ or „More information“. Furthermore, the latest press releases and editorial contributions regarding this topic will be published regularly on the website for your disposal. To learn where an office or clinic in your area uses the ELVeS Radial™ laser therapy, you can use the service under „The right doctor“ to find a contact address. For questions you can also contact or the biolitec® hotline +49(0)1805/010276.

About biolitec®:
biolitec® is one of the leading companies worldwide in the field of medical laser treatments and the only provider that possesses all relevant core competencies – photosensitizers, laser devices and optical fibers – in the field of photodynamic therapy (PDT). Besides laser treatment of cancer with Foscan®, biolitec® primarily researches on minimally-invasive and gentle laser treatments and markets them. ELVeS Radial™ (Endo Laser Vein System) is the laser system most often used worldwide for the treatment of varicose veins. Ceralas® HPD laser therapy enables a gentle treatment of e.g. benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in urology. Gentle laser treatments in the fields of proctology, ENT, orthopedics, gynecology as well as ophthalmology also belong to the business field of biolitec®. Further information at

biolitec AG
Jörn Gleisner
Otto-Schott-Straße 15
07745 Jena
+49 (0) 6172/ 27159-20