Museum goes digital

Museum goes digital

MUTEC 2012 – Impression

Nowadays, museums use more and more digital technology to showcase their collections. This is really fun for the visitors, especially the younger ones. However, each user screen and interface is based on data that has to be managed in the background. This year“s MUTEC – International Trade Fair for Museum and Exhibition Technology – is especially devoted to the issue of digitalisation.

„Increase the visitor“s fun“ – that is often the mantra, when exhibition organizers plan something new. This is well illustrated in the example of the reopened Mendelssohn house in Leipzig where the visitors are informed not only by a „paternoster showcase“ but also by tablet computers that are integrated into the furniture so that they can be pulled out like drawers to reveal their knowledge. Spectacular and so far unique is the 3D orchestra („Effektorium“) where – thanks to tracking technology – visitors can conduct four recorded compositions by spherical loudspeakers and LED technology.

Even if you like it less spectacular, new or enhanced devices for the presentation of exhibits are appearing almost every day. Nowadays, Touch Screens have reached a maximum size of 2.5 meters and allow an interaction with the stored data with almost no optical distortion: even the use of holograms is now possible allowing three-dimensional insights – interactive and rotatable if desired.

Thanks to smartphones, attendees of all ages now have a camera at hand that they use regularly. However, the recorded images do not end up in photo albums as they did in the past but they are shared almost immediately through social media. Visitors expect the museums and exhibition halls to be geared up for this and to provide appropriate and free internet connections.

Databases do not only take care of the information about exhibits – the museum“s „digital treasure“, they also provide the organisers with information about museum attendance and visitor behaviour. „Big Data“ is the keyword for analysing information gathered from different sources with intelligent analysis software. That refers to the „real world“ attendance as much as to the digital visits of the museum“s websites. Museums have to consider whether they want to use their own equipment and knowhow on that or to engage service providers for the analysis. Trade fair manager Angelika Albrecht feels that all persons involved should note that „The digital era has found its way into the museums already, now it is time for using the data in a profitable way.“
Hence, digital technology is a priority within the ancillary programme of MUTEC 2014. As in 2010 and 2012, the International Trade Fair for Museum and Exhibition Technology will take place simultaneously with the trade fair „denkmal“ which is also held in Leipzig, Germany.

The idea to parallel the two events has proven of great value to both visitors and exhibitors alike. Therefore, from 6th to 8th November 2014 Leipzig will become again the centre for all cultural players from the museum, exhibition, archives, library, monument, and knowledge centre sectors. Interdisciplinary networking is absolutely desired. In addition, Leipzig“s proximity to the neighbouring countries in the east has a positive effect on the visitor numbers as the archivists and museum directors there also want to present their treasures in an attractive and modern way.

The registration procedure for exhibitors has already started, early birds will get a discount. You can find the exhibitor brochure, the registraion forms, and further information on

For further information please contact the trade fair management in Munich:
Ms. Angelika Albrecht, phone: 0049 – 89 – 27294820

Bildrechte: Albrecht GmbH / P. G. Loske Bildquelle:Albrecht GmbH / P. G. Loske

Die Albrecht Gesellschaft für Fachausstellungen und Kongresse mbH ist spezialisiert auf Fachmessen mit klar abgegrenzten Angebotsbereichen und direktem Fokus auf die relevanten Zielgruppen. Ausstellern und Besuchern wird auf diesen internationalen Branchentreffs die Gelegenheit geboten, effizient und ohne Streuverluste mit führenden Marktpartnern in Kontakt zu treten und Verhandlungen aufzunehmen. Im technischen Bereich werden die Messen cinec – Internationale Fachmesse für Cine Equipment und Technologie und MUTEC – Internationale Fachmesse für Museums- und Ausstellungstechnik veranstaltet. Die Weinmesse FORUM VINI ist in der internationalen Weinszene nicht mehr wegzudenken und steht seit vielen Jahren für eine der erfolgreichsten Endverbraucher-Weinmessen Deutschlands.

Albrecht GmbH
Angelika Albrecht
Oettingenstr. 25
80538 München
089 – 27294820