MAZeT appears at the academix in Erfurt

MAZeT appears at the academix in Erfurt

Dr. Wolfgang Hecker is Managing Director of MAZeT GmbH.

MAZeT was represented at numerous careers fairs in 2011

Jena (Germany), January 5, 2012 – along with more than 80 other exhibitors, MAZeT GmbH participated in the „academix Thüringen“ (, which took place for the first time in Erfurt’s exhibition centre on December 14, 2011. The academix is Thuringia’s first state-wide careers fair for students, graduates and young professionals and was promoted throughout Germany. At MAZeT, various offers were showcased for traineeships, MA theses and permanent employment. The academix was organised and given its thematic direction by the Thuringian Agency for Specialist Recruitment (Thüringer Agentur für Fachkräftegewinnung – ThAFF).

In addition to the academix, MAZeT featured this year in the line-up of the „inova“ university recruitment fairs held at the Technical University of TU Ilmenau on October 19, 2011 and the University of Applied Science at FH Jena on October 12, 2011.

Dr. Wolfgang Hecker, one of the two managing directors of MAZeT GmbH, put it in a nutshell: „Good people are at the heart of the firm. This is why we need specialists to commit long-term to the company.“

In the coming year, MAZeT GmbH will again be using its presence at the university recruitment fairs at FH Jena and TU Ilmenau to recruit students and graduates. Also in the pipeline is participation in „academix Thüringen“ and „SMILE!“ in Schmalkalden.

About MAZeT

MAZeT GmbH is a leading European development and production service provider. The company was founded in 1992 and is based in Jena, Germany. MAZeT GmbH develops, produces and supplies customized electronic modules, software and ASICs and sells proprietary products under the brand JENCOLOR worldwide. Thanks to its wide-ranging technology offer and application know-how, MAZeT GmbH is a reliable and tried-and-tested service partner for customized solutions in the areas of industrial electronics and optic sensor technology. Its development competence and components for special applications are used in the complete area of industrial measuring technology, control and automation technology as well as medical engineering, among others.

Diane Damer
Göschwitzer Straße 32
07745 Jena
+49 3641 2809 0

Mandy Ahlendorf
Maximilianstraße 8
82319 Starnberg