Lignite Energy: An economic fuel for asphalt-mixing plants

Lignite Energy: An economic fuel for asphalt-mixing plants

Almost 1,000 plants throughout Europe have been converted to pulverized lignite – Economic supply ensured in the long term

Cologne – Asphalt-mixing plants are especially affected by rising energy costs. Therefore, a low-cost alternative whose triumph began in the Rhineland from where it helps more and more plants throughout Europe gain a competitive edge is gradually establishing itself: pulverized lignite.

Under the product name „Lignite Energy Pulverized“ it is marketed Europe-wide by Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH (RBB), a subsidiary of RWE Power AG. The price advantage compared with other energy sources has made this versatile industrial fuel the undisputed market leader among Germany’s operators of asphalt-mixing plants; meanwhile 80% of all plants have been converted to this fuel. And in all of Europe almost 1,000 plants are currently supplied with „Lignite Energy Pulverized“.

Delivery is by silo truck or railway tank waggon. And the next steps to firing are in a closed system, just as in the case of oil and gas. Investment in silo, dosing plant and burner – about EUR300,000 per mixing plant – usually pays off in less than two years.

Market leader in Germany – beacon of hope in all of Europe

RBB concludes long-term contracts with customers and delivers the fuel at a fixed price agreed in advance. Energy-price fluctuations are thus a thing of the past. The plant operator gains a dependable costing basis, giving him the planning certainty he needs.

With the commissioning of a second bowl-mill crusher in July 2012, RWE Power has increased its annual production capacity by another 500,000 tons to more than three million tons of „Lignite Energy Pulverized“, so that it will be possible in future as well to meet the growing demand for pulverized lignite without any problems. For lignite is the only important energy source on the European continent at all to be available in significant quantities for more than 300 years to come.

Universal supply with the inexpensive fuel is also guaranteed thanks to the dense distribution network of the RBB Group. Thus, the Czech location of Beroun, from where Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Hungary are supplied, serves as an important hub for Eastern Europe, while France, Benelux and Great Britain are supported from Strasbourg and Gent and the Cologne head office is the direct place of contact for customers in Germany and the Alpine region.

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Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH (RBB), being the subsidiary of RWE Power that is responsible for marketing Lignite Energy, is planning to sell more than three million tons of this fuel Europe-wide in this year alone, with the introduction of the new umbrella brand providing additional stimulus to sales.

Rheinbraun Benelux
Rolf Rodenkirchen
Industrieweg 14
B – 90 Wondelgem
+32 (0) 9 340 55 29