Interview with Josip Heit on the coronavirus pandemic in Detschland and summer holidays in 2021
While the top German leaders, including Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (65), Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU), Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (78, CDU), Bundesrat President Reiner Haseloff (67, CDU) and the President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Stephan Harbarth (49), yesterday, Sunday, 18. As they commemorated those who died in the coronavirus pandemic at an ecumenical service in Berlin’s Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church on Sunday, 18 April 2021, millions of German citizens fear that they will not be able to enjoy an uninterrupted summer holiday in 2021.
Among other things, thousands of day trippers and travellers were banned from entering the popular region during the current tightened entry restrictions in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, which the police enforced in the districts of Mecklenburgische Seenplatte and Vorpommern-Greifswald.
Since November, hotels and guesthouses in the state, which is popular with tourists, have been closed again. Longer holiday stays and even day trips from other federal states have been basically banned for months.
German business leaders were asked about this in an interview, including Josip Heit as a proven business manager and blockchain pioneer as well as CEO of the GSB Group, how group leaders see the situation in relation to a summer holiday in 2021?
Mr Heit, according to the Robert Koch Institute, 79,914 people have died in Germany from or with the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic. How do you see the hope for a summer holiday in 2021?
Josip Heit: „Germany has a reputation as the land of poets and thinkers, the history books are full of names like Joseph von Eichendorff, Heinrich Heine or even Wilhelm Busch, who created one of the best-selling children’s books with his boy’s story „Max and Moritz“. Personalities such as Friedrich Schiller or Rainer Maria Rilke were not only poets, but also philosophers, translators or doctors. They were regarded as poets, but for a long time also as the astute educated elite of the Germans. Outstanding figures such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe or Heinrich von Kleist cemented the reputation of the Germans as a nation of lyricists and poets. On the side of thinkers, Germany offers personalities such as Gottfried Leibnitz or Albert Einstein. Johannes Gutenberg is considered the inventor of modern letterpress printing and thus had a major impact not only on Germany but on the entire world.
As difficult as this current crisis is, I see rays of hope and agree with our Vice Chancellor and Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, who is optimistic that people will be able to go on holiday this summer despite the third Corona wave.
Personally, I very much hope that holidays will also be possible this summer, although of course this also depends heavily on how the pandemic develops in Germany’s neighbouring countries.“
Mr Heit, according to a recent survey, almost one in three consumers in Germany (around 31 per cent) is undecided about whether or not to go on holiday this year in view of the Corona pandemic. Only a good 15 percent of respondents to the survey said they had already booked a holiday trip. Another 27 percent have not yet booked but are planning one. For about 28 percent of consumers, travelling in the Corona year 2021 is simply not an issue. Do you think that holidays as we know them from the past are history and that we will never be able to travel so carefree again?
Josip Heit: The question is complex, but you see, just over a year after the start of the Corona pandemic, the mask requirement was lifted this Sunday, outdoors, in Israel. Indoors, which are used by the public, the obligation still applies, but experts believe that it can also be lifted in a month’s time, given the sharp drop in the number of infections.
India, on the other hand, reported another record high of 261,500 new corona infections. In total, the corona virus has now been detected in almost 14.8 million people, as our Group partners in India have learned from the Indian Ministry of Health.
The example of Israel, on the other hand, shows me that in the current struggle for a tightening of the infection protection law, Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier was absolutely right in his statement today, Sunday, when he said: „Everywhere in the world where a wave of infection has been successfully broken, it has been done with the instrument of a hard lockdown!“
I believe, with regard to Israel, that we will be able to enjoy nice holidays again in the future, as long as we comply with the medical guidelines, because a pandemic is a danger for the whole of humanity. Against this background, our technical departments in GSB Gold Standard Corporate are working flat out on a digital vaccination passport, as are our competitors, the tech companies Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce.
When it comes to digital certificates in this context, the blockchain is an indispensable technology for the digital vaccination certificate, because the blockchain is a continuously expandable list of data records, also called „blocks“, which are chained together using cryptographic processes.
With regard to the digital vaccination certificate, the WHO and the EU have recently formed working groups that are to set standards so that travellers will be able to prove their vaccination without much effort in the future.
Therefore, I personally firmly believe that we will be able to go on holiday again in the future without any worries, but unfortunately every development also takes time, which is why patience is required and this will currently not be possible without a tightening of the Infection Protection Act.“
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