Globalisation and technological progress bring new challenges for people in international companies

Globalisation and technological progress bring new challenges for people in international companies

Working with/in virtual cross-border teams

Employees and management are increasingly faced with the task of working in or leading teams, across distance, in different time zones and outside of the usual organisational framework.. „Working together apart“ ist the name of the new task with which people are confronted.

You will find out what makes a virtual team successful. You will learn the differences between classic „face to face“ teamwork, the effective use of virtual teamwork and purpose, the impact of different communication channels and the appropriate media for various work situations. Furthermore you will discover helpful strategies for the development and maintenance of trusting working relationships over distance.

From the vision to the result in the virtual team
Defining goals and tasks clearly
Building trust over distance
Chances and risks of task-oriented project work
Launching and leading virtual projects
Developing team guidelines for successful cross-border teamwork
Principles of virtual technology
Professional delegiation in virtual teams
Intercultural aspects in a multinational team

Assist International HR helps you to master the intercultural challenge. All seminars can take place in different languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish or German language – whichever you prefer.

More information:

assist GmbH
Abteilung Pressemitteilungen
33100 Paderborn

assist GmbH
Gary Thomas
Technologiepark 12
33100 Paderborn
05251 875432