Server microprocessors are central processing unit used in the servers to handle the analytical decision-making processes. These server microprocessors are used inside the servers used in data centres and various enterprises among others. Most modern hosted servers offer multi-core, multithreaded processors, which means that one very good processor may perform more tasks, more efficiently and faster than two or more lesser or older processors, even if the latter have a faster clock speed.
Increase in number of data centres and increase in demand of cloud-based services these are key factors to drive growth of the global server microprocessor market. In addition, increase in IT spending by the developing nations expected to drive growth of the global server microprocessor market. Also, increase in user based online services such as Facebook, YouTube, and twitter helps to boost demand for global server microprocessor market during forecast period.
However, high cost is key factor hampering the growth of global server microprocessor market. In addition, high capital investment, lack of skilled employees, and sophisticated user design are some other factors expected to restrain growth of the global server microprocessor market during forecast period.
The global server microprocessor market is segmented on the basis of design, end user, and region.
North America accounts largest revenue to the global managed security services market, with projected CAGR of XX.X% during forecast period. This is attributed to growing IT expenditure coupled with increasing cloud based technological advancements in the region. However, Asia Pacific and Europe ranks as a fastest growing market with CAGR XX% over the forecast period.
Key players in the global server microprocessor market include Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Inc., Baikal Electronics, Hisilicon Technologies Co. Ltd., IBM Corporation, Intel Corporation, Mediatek Inc., NVIDIA Corporation, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., Texas Instruments Incorporated, and Toshiba Corporation.
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