Global office

Rieta de Soet, CEO of IBS GmbH in Switzerland and Dr. Fabian de Soet explain the concept of a business center.

Business Center have become very important these days. Whether as a short term or a long term solution, the offices are completely equipped with a perfect office infrastructure and high qualified employees.

This is a perfect solution if you want to expand your business to a different region. It is simple, uncomplicated and cheap. No launching costs, no investments and a flexible term of lease.

Rieta de Soet says, the availability of offices in a business center is a great benefit for companies coming from abroad, because they get a helping hand from the employees who speak the local language and know the culture and costums.

It is also a good solution for a young entrepreneur, who wants to start self-employment. He gets all the help and information he needs from an experienced and high qualified staff.
Furthermore IBS offers an individual telephone service, backoffice, marketing service, translating services, conference rooms and helps building up your marketing organization. No matter what your needs are, IBS offers a personal and professional service to absolutely amazing prices, says Dr. Fabian de Soet. This is the modern office, in a global economy.

Über IBS Intelligent Business Solutions GmbH

IBS Intelligent Business Solutions GmbH ist ein Team von Betriebswirten, Rechtsanwälten, Marketing- und Unternehmensberatern. Die 18-jährige fachliche und persönliche Kompetenz des IBS Teams machen den Erfolg für unseren Kunden aus.

Unsere gemeinsame Philosophie verpflichtet uns dazu eine Unternehmenskultur zu pflegen, die von gemeinsamen Zielen und Werten geprägt ist. Wir verstehen darunter hohes persönliches Engagement und Zusammenarbeit auf der Basis eines offenen und fairen Verhaltens.

In allen unseren Geschäftsbeziehungen praktizieren wir dieses partnerschaftliche Verhalten, das zu erfolgreichen und langfristigen Kooperationen führt.

Rieta Vanessa de Soet
Gubelstrasse 12
6300 Zug
0041 41 560 36 00