The Gay Dating-App u2nite convinces its users with an unbeatable price and unlimited functionality
Pay once and get unlimited functionality – the concept of the Dating-App u2nite by Wildtrolls Ltd. & Co. KG convinced many users worldwide, especially in the US and England. No wonder, compared to other products on the market, u2nite has an unbeatable pirce of 4,99$ (no subscription) and unlimited dating functions.
The easy usability and interface, as well as safety measures, that protect your privacy, combined with a fun chat and a quick-date function are aspects that convinced many users, especially after the new and easier update. The app also allows unlimited photo uploads, which combined with the new interface, makes a very attractive and cool Datin-App.
But the developer team isn’t settling for this succces. They are constantly working on improving the app, at which the pirce will stay the same.
For more information:
The developer team
Wildtrolls Ltd. & Co. KG is a manufacturer of smartphone applications in the field of social networks. The company was established in January 2011 and is located in England with a branch in Germany. U2nite is the first product.
Wildtrolls Ltd. & Co. KG
Herr Moritz
Kolosseumstr. 1
80469 München
+49 89 210288390
deed communication agency
Pr Deed
Kolosseumstr. 1
80469 München
+49 89 210288390
Die Wildtrolls Ltd & Co. KG ist ein Hersteller von Smartphone-Applikationen im Bereich der sozialen Netzwerke. Das Unternehmen wurde im Januar 2011 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in England und eine Niederlassung in Deutschland. Das erste Produkt ist die Dating-App u2nite.
Wildtrolls Ltd. & Co. KG, c/o deed communication agency
Kolosseumstr. 1
80469 München
089 210 288 390
deed communication agency
Herr Vage
Kolosseumstr. 1
80469 München
089 210 288 390