(Mynewsdesk) Operators of Senvion wind turbines receive more transparency, additional functionality and extended support on fos4X systems through upgrades of fos4X products. IIoT integration and dashboarding enable full data access for condition and performance of the fos4X system on Senvion wind turbines.
Upgrades of existing systemsThe modular sensor platform of all fos4X standard products allows easy expansion of existing fos4X systems. Thus, the ice detection system can be extended with load sensors to reliably detect yaw and pitch misalignments of your turbine. In addition, occurring loads of your turbine are logged to create a solid database for future continued operation reports.
A simple software upgrade of your fos4X ice detection system extends the functionality with the certified blade CMS system „Turbine Integrity Control“. This allows damage to rotor blades to be detected at an early stage and prevents major breakdowns and unscheduled maintenance.
Connectivity and TransparencyIIoT integration and dashboarding gives you full access to information on performance and condition of your wind turbines at all times. You can access this data in real time and receive notifications of damage, load anomalies, ice events or other self-defined conditions of your wind turbines.
Service and support by fos4Xfos4X offers its customers with Senvion wind turbines a direct guarantee on spare parts availability for fos4X systems as well as the assumption of the service and an optional extension of the warranty for the systems. Reliable and optimal operation as well as maintenance and support are made possible by fos4X.
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About fos4X GmbH
Founded in Munich in 2010, fos4X GmbH is a specialist for reliable, fiber-optic measurement technology and sensor technology as well as for innovative data analysis. It develops intelligent solutions for optimizing wind energy. These solutions are primarily used in wind turbines to optimize operation.
The fiber optic sensors and solutions are also used in the fields of electromobility, process measurement technology and railway technology.
Alexander Tindl
Thalkirchner Straße 210
81371 München
+49 89 999542-08
Alexander Tindl
Thalkirchner Straße 210
81371 München
+49 89 999542-08
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