Female Founder DoktorB & 18 Nations set World Record

How successful do you want to be: The power of growth driven by tiny REX

Arbon / Switzerland, September 30th 2022

At the 12th International Speaker Slam at the weekend, 147 participants from 18 countries set the new world record.

Among the 147, DoktorB brought the victory to Eastern Switzerland. After New York, Vienna, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden and Munich, this year’s 12th International Speaker Slam now took place in Mastershausen, Germany. At the Speaker Slam, a topic is presented clearly, fluently and so vividly in a crisp 4 minutes that the audience and listeners can only be thrilled.

Home in many countries and having lived in Spain and USA, Germany and now in Switzerland, Dr. Barbara Flügge, who was born in Franconia and is fondly called DoktorB by her clients, received the award in the category „Deployability and Digitalization“.
DoktorB took the crisis, which affects medium-sized businesses and the self-employed, as a springboard and convinced with her speech „How successful do you want to be“ at the speaker competition and carried the world record to Eastern Switzerland.
The core point of her speech was that with the courage to focus on your product, no matter how small, no matter if a service, an idea or a physical something – digitalization and the right business model will help to take the product into the meta world. The size of a product and a company no longer plays a role digitally. Simply said, the size does not matter.
Using the Swiss export hit of the asparagus peeler REX as an example, DoktorB outlined to the audience how the courage to innovate and the inner conviction of the product manufacturer have carried the product for 75 years. DoktorB reminded us that is important to be aware of the advantages and features of the offering. With the presentation of the other REX, the world’s most successful police dog of the eponymous TV series Kommissar Rex, she brought the audience behind her with a laugh. The audience became thoughtful when she presented the three core steps of how success works. That is why she was awarded the Excellence Gold Diploma by organizer and world top speaker Hermann Scherer, and he personally expressed his enthusiasm for her.
Because the steps to success „Start – Open Up – Create“ can be simple and effective, if the right starting point is chosen and the guidance is enriched with effective tools.

It is exactly this starting point that Dr. Barbara Flügge develops with her clients. Whether product manufacturers, construction managers like room!ng, innovators like MyMinutes, or consulting companies like Detecon Alpine and self-employed people, success comes with the will and the certainty that the guidance works and that the offer can also be offered and sold digitally. One specialty of DoktorB’s company called digital value creators (DVC) is to give cooperation partners a digital sales stage. Another specialty is enabling products to go digital through ancillary services. Add-on services are digitally faster at the customer and increase the bond with the manufacturer while the product is still in production or in the transport chain. The springboard that DoktorB is bringing to the world right now, named ABC Resilience, has been developed in a 3.5 years project with more than 20 contributors from 4 continents. A truthful international cooperation and co-creation.

digital value creators DVC clients build on the extensive socio-technical trajectory from DoktorB and her experts resulting from leadership and functional roles for SAP, Financial Institutions, Ariba, Price Waterhouse and Arthur Andersen, Grundig, Siemens, BMW and many more. Home to industries and ecosystems such as Telco, Automotive, Luxury Goods, the Energy Sector, AI & IoT, Risk Prevention and CyberSecurity, DVC helps SMEs grow digitally through servitizing their products and co-creating ideal business models. DVC was founded to let any organization develop the capacity to offer digital values to their clients within and beyond industries and geographies.

digital value creators (DVC) Gmbh
Barbara Flügge
Pünt 14
8598 Bottighofen
Phone: 0041798202473
E-Mail: barbara.fluegge@dvcconsult.com
Url: http://www.digitalvaluecreators.com

Bildquelle: @Dominik Pfau