Enjoy the summer intensively with scented candles

Scented candles offer a wonderful combination of candlelight and – depending on the mood – the appropriate fragrance. Candle lovers should make sure that the (scented) candles comply with the RAL standard.

Essential and nature-identical fragrances are used to make the candle scents. Fragrant-floral or animating and invigorating? The aromas and scents that scented candles offer are almost endless. Especially now in summer, scented candles are great companions for many occasions. With many scent compositions, the summer feeling can be experienced intensively.

Particularly trendy are candles that convey typical summer aromas and smell delicately of lavender, roses or spicy herbs and put us in a holiday mood with beautiful feel-good aromas. But it can also be exotic. Some fragrances are reminiscent of oriental or Mediterranean destinations with finely composed coconut or citrus aromas.

Regardless of whether it is a delicate fragrance or an intense aroma. Candle lovers should make sure that the (scented) candles comply with the RAL standard. This ensures a safe and clean burning, which is also checked. For unadulterated candle enjoyment, please also note our general notes on burning candles.

The Quality Assurance Association is an alliance of European manufacturers. Collectively, they produce about 580,000 tonnes of candles annually – that is more than 50 percent of the total European production. The European Quality Association for Candles stands for quality and progress in the field of candle production.
Information about the RAL Quality Label Candles.

The „Quality Mark for Candles“ is awarded by the European Quality Association for Candles. The quality mark standard is generally recognised in the industry and has been partly adopted in the European Standard 15426. Manufacturers may only award a product with the RAL Quality Mark if it meets the strict requirements of the Quality Association for Candles with regard to raw materials, burning time and performance. Compliance with these standards is monitored through independent inspections by DEKRA experts.

The Quality Mark for Candles was recognised by the RAL German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification in 1997. RAL ensures the acceptance of the quality mark in all economic sectors and its use in accordance with the rules.

Company Contact
Gütegemeinschaft Kerzen e. V.
Martin Rieg
Zum Burgstall 13
88677 Markdorf

Press Contact
komFOUR GmbH & Co. KG
Martin Rieg
Herzog-Carl-Straße 4
73760 Ostfildern

Gütegemeinschaft Kerzen e. V.
Martin Rieg
Zum Burgstall 13
88677 Markdorf
Phone: +4971199529721
E-Mail: martin.rieg@komfour.de
Url: https://ral-c-landing.com

komFOUR GmbH & Co. KG
Martin Rieg
Herzog-Carl-Straße 4
73760 Ostfildern
Phone: +4971199529721
E-Mail: martin.rieg@komfour.de
Url: http://www.komfour.de

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