Follow-up order of AE3000 for DEGERtraker 5000NT – Robust and high-yield technology is convincing
Horb a.N., February 19th, 2013. DEGER delivers 1,161 DEGERtraker 5000NT tracking systems to Spain. The customer is the Alternativa Energética 3000 (AE3000) company, which purchased and installed 3,100 DEGER systems in recent years. DEGER is world market leader in the field of solar tracking.
Between 2004 and 2008, AE3000 built several solar parks in Spain and installed altogether 3,100 DEGER systems there. In the following years the Spanish market lay almost desolate, due to the uncertainties regarding feed in tariff and political framework conditions. In the meantime, the projects applied for by AE3000 have started moving again. And: After many years of practical experience, the investor is highly satisfied with the yield as well as the robust, reliable technology from DEGER.
Satisfied to such an extent that he has now placed a large follow-up order: After delivering and installing 108 DEGERtrakers type 5000NT in late autumn 2012, AE3000 has now ordered further 1,053 systems. The first ones are already on the way; the rest are to be delivered until March. AE3000 will use them to build several new solar parks in the northern Spanish region of Catalonia near the city of Lleida.
Jordi Pellicer, Managing Director of AE3000: „The MLD tracking systems from DEGER are characterised by high yields and an excellent price/performance ratio. After these systems have been in operation in our parks for several years now, it is obvious: The technology works smoothly and is practically maintenance-free. Reason enough for us to build more solar parks with this technology.“
DEGER is world market leader in the field of solar tracking systems. More than 50,000 DEGER systems have been installed in 51 countries all over the world. The enterprise has branch offices in Spain, Greece and North America and cooperates with local sales and service partners in many countries around the globe. The patented MLD technology from DEGER provides the possibility to achieve on average a surplus yield of 45 percent in comparison to fixed systems.
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About AE3000 (
AE3000 was founded 2004. The company’s clear aim is to change an energy model which is not sustainable. With an output of more than 55 MW, which is fed into the power grid, AE3000 specializes on realising turnkey projects in the field of photovoltaic systems on roofs and on the ground, projects for using thermal solar energy privately or commercially, as well as systems in the field of biogas, biomass and wind power. Renewable energies are a safe alternative for private persons and companies. The company has proved this in many projects in the meantime.
In addition, AE3000 has a company which sells electrical energy and is active all over Spain on the free market for purchasing and selling electricity with its more than 1,000,000 customers. At the moment Alternativa Energética 3000, SL, is focussing on the operation and maintenance of systems for power generation with a total output of 55 MW. This output will increase with the realisation of new projects.
Über DEGER (
DEGER ist der führende Hersteller mit dem weltweit größten Produktportfolio für ein- und zweiachsige solare Nachführsysteme. Seine Marktstellung basiert auf der einzigartigen, von Artur Deger entwickelten, patentierten „Maximum Light Detection“- oder MLD-Technologie. Sie ermöglicht es, die Erträge von solaren Kraftwerken durch „intelligente“ Steuerung zu maximieren. Dabei werden die Solarmodule unter Einsatz des MLD-Sensors immer am energiereichsten Punkt am Himmel ausgerichtet. So erzielen MLD-geführte Solaranlagen durchschnittlich 45 Prozent mehr Ertrag als starr installierte Systeme – in Spitzen liegt dieser Wert sogar noch deutlich höher. Mit mehr als 50.000 installierten Systemen in 51 Ländern ist DEGER Weltmarkt- und Technologieführer. Das Unternehmen bietet alle produktrelevanten Lösungen – von Entwicklung und Planung über Produktion und Vertrieb bis hin zu Wartung und Instandhaltung.
DEGER beschäftigt derzeit am Hauptsitz in Horb, in seinen Niederlassungen und bei Zulieferern fast 400 Mitarbeiter. Das Unternehmen wurde 1999 gegründet und erhielt im Jahr 2001 den Erfinderpreis des Landes Baden-Württemberg für den MLD-Sensor. 2005 eröffnete DEGER in Spanien seine erste Niederlassung, 2009 folgten Niederlassungen in den USA und Griechenland, seit Sommer 2011 läuft die Produktion in Australien. Produziert wird in Deutschland, Australien, Kanada und den USA. Die Geschäfte führt Artur Deger.
Auf das Wetter ist nicht immer Verlass. Auf ein intelligentes Steuerungssystem von DEGER schon.
Anita Deger
Industriestraße 70
72160 Horb
+49 (0) 7451-539 14-0
digit media
Herbert Grab
Schulberg 5
72124 Pliezhausen
+49 (0)7127-570710