Two student-built electric motorbikes undertaking an 80-day around-the-world odyssey are equipped with world-leading vehicle communication technology from Australian company Cohda Wireless.
On Sunday, August 14, STORM Eindhoven, a team of 23 students from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, set off with these electric motorbikes on a round-the-world journey.
Aiming to cover 26,000 kilometres in 80 days, the motorbikes contain Cohda MK5 On-Board Units which enable V2X (vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure) communications. As well as monitoring motorbike performance during the journey, Cohda plans to demonstrate how V2X systems can improve vehicle safety and traffic efficiency in cities with V2X infrastructure installed.
Cohda Wireless Vice President of Business Development Bernd Luebben said the company was proud to sponsor this trailblazing event. „We are supplying Cohda MK5 On Board Units for the motorcycles and support vehicles,“ he said.
„Cohda“s MK5 On-Board Units allow real-time communication to ensure the motorbikes perform according to design and meet this demanding schedule. We also plan to support V2X demonstrations in cities such as Shanghai where we have V2X units installed.“
The STORM World Tour began in the southern Netherlands city of Eindhoven last Sunday, starting a route that circumnavigates the northern hemisphere, leaving Europe via Central Asia and then crossing North America before returning to Eindhoven on November 2.
Each electric motorbike has a top speed of 160 km/h and can travel 380 kilometres before requiring a recharge. The student-designed batteries – 24 separate cartridges that can store as much as 28.5 kWh energy – can be replaced by a fully charged battery pack within seven minutes.
Each day, the students will re-charge batteries from the local power grid at companies, universities or homes en route. The team will also take part in events that show the potential of electric mobility.
Follow the STORM World Tour live on its 80-day journey at
About Cohda Wireless
Cohda Wireless is the leading equipment vendor in the V2X market. The company manufactures systems with acknowledged best-in-world performance. Cohda“s hardware and software products are being used in more than 60 per cent of all V2X field trials worldwide today. Customers include many carmakers, tier one suppliers, automotive chipmakers, road authorities and new market entrants. Cohda“s products are already used in the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, China, and Korea. For more information, visit
Cohda Wireless Europe GmbH
Bernd Luebben
Schatzbogen 7
81829 München
089 627 06207
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