cloudControl is introducing Multi-Language Support

cloudControl announces the upcoming Pinky stack. With Pinky, cloudControl becomes a polyglot platform, allowing developers more choice in programming languages. Initially, cloudControl provides buildpacks for Java, PHP, Python and Ruby with more languages following soon.

Buildpacks are an open API describing how to prepare different languages or even frameworks for deployment. Fragmentation is a big problem in the maturing PaaS market since although there are multiple open APIs, most are adopted by only one vendor. Strong vendor lock-in is widely perceived as the number one adoption barrier for PaaS.

The buildpack API was originally developed by Heroku and open-sourced to allow the community to easily extend language support. One of cloudControl“s core beliefs is that a PaaS solution should adapt to every language ecosystem natively. cloudControl is the first public cloud platform provider to support the buildpack standard in Europe.

This gives enterprises or developers the choice not only to deploy their applications to Heroku“s US-based platform or a Stackato-based private PaaS, but also to cloudControl“s European datacenters. Having the freedom to deploy the same codebase without changes to different vendors and regions allows to comply with data security regulations or bring workloads closer to users to reduce latency.

By supporting buildpacks cloudControl is supercharging development throughout the complete application lifecycle for even more developers and projects.

cloudControl is Europe“s Platform-as-a-Service pioneer since 2009. The platform is the PaaS solution for the complete application lifecycle: It allows agile deployments and is scalable to millions of users. Every programming language is supported by the „Made in Berlin“-PaaS. cloudControl“s add-on marketplace offers developers easy access to a large number of third-party-services.

cloudControl GmbH
Sebastian-H. Picklum
Helmholtzstr. 2-9
10587 Berlin
+49 30 609884890