OLG Dresden: Representation or accompaniment at general meeting of shareholders GmbH shareholders can be represented
BGH on liability of managing directors if social security contributions not paid The managing director
Family foundations and business succession Establishing a family foundation can be a sensible means of
BAG on effectiveness of ordinary notice of dismissal issued as an alternative The Bundesarbeitsgericht (BAG),
BAG: Exceptional notice of dismissal for breach of trust effective Even if the financial loss
BAG on employer“s default of acceptance A ruling of the Bundesarbeitsgericht (BAG), Germany“s Federal Labour
LAG Köln: Informally admonishing an employee not necessary before issuing formal written warning An employer
Misleading advertising: Exclusive must mean exclusive If something is advertised as exclusive then it ought
OLG Frankfurt: The term „centre“ potentially misleading A ruling of the Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Frankfurt [Higher
OLG Karlsruhe: „Lightly salted“ not permissible in advertising Advertising for packet soup for children featuring