BAG: Strict requirements for dismissal on grounds of suspicion It is possible to issue exceptional
BGH: Advertisements must include all information material to the consumer If an advertisement constitutes an
OLG Köln on validity of a nuncupative will before three witnesses If the testator is
Breach of confidentiality obligation – Dismissal with immediate effect valid Breach of a confidentiality obligation
European succession law – Implications for heirs and testator Many German citizens prefer to spend
BAG: Dismissal with immediate effect on account of sexual harassment Reaching into a work colleague“s
Tax evasion – Immunity through voluntary disclosure Tax evasion is a crime. Notwithstanding this, it
Insolvency: BGH bolsters creditors“ rights Good news for creditors of an insolvent business partner: In
Make arrangements for inheritance early on in patchwork families The number of what are referred
Bundeskartellamt imposes fine for illegal price fixing The Bundeskartellamt, Germany“s Federal Cartel Office, has imposed