Payment security solutions provide security to users“ personal data and enables secure transaction between a
A biometric device is a security and authentication device that uses biometric sensors to verify
Medical laser system consists of a wide variety of monochromatic light with a specific wavelength
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive neurological disorder where the symptoms continue and worsen
Ophthalmology field requires medical devices for several functions such as diagnosis, vision care, and surgery.
Neurodegeneration is the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons, including death of neurons.
The era of doctors or surgeons using cat gut, cotton, silk, stainless, or nylon sutures
Disposable medical gloves are hand garments used to wear during examinations, surgeries, chemotherapy, etc. to
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease wherein the body is either not able to produce
Adoption and implementation of biometric systems has been witnessing a rapid increase in the recent