Bischofszell Food Ltd held its ground in the market

Bischofszell Food Ltd held its ground in the market

Delicious Swiss Food

Swiss food producer generated growth of almost 30% in the organic product segment – growing in international markets

Bischofszell Food Ltd looks back on a challenging financial year 2011. The food producer saw a decline in sales by 1.3% due to the difficult market environment with a strong franc and strong competitive pressure in the retail business. However, Bina generated growth of almost 30% in the organic product segment.

Bischofszell Food Ltd generated sales amounting to 574 million francs in 2011 (previous year: CHF 585 million). Ready meals accounted for 265 million, beverages for 129 million, potato products for 120 million and fruit for 61 million francs. Roughly a quarter of total sales were generated by the catering trade, i.e. hotels, hospitals and restaurants. The demand for high-quality products by Bischofszell Culinarium such as the wholesome Delifit meals has increased in this sector. Bina sold a total of 222,000 tons of food products, which is just under the sales volume of the previous year. „The strong franc and the price war in the Swiss retail trade left their mark“, says Managing Director Otmar Hofer. Despite the difficult economic environment, the Thurgau-based food producer successfully defended its strong market position.

High market shares in the domestic market, growth in export markets

Meanwhile, every second fruit juice or ice tea consumed in Switzerland comes from Bischofszell. Yet, Bina considers further growth in the Swiss market difficult in view of the already high market shares. „We expect marginal domestic growth at best“, explains Otmar Hofer. However, Bina sees potential in international markets, where sales rose by 33% in the past year. „Our Swiss quality products are in high demand – jams for the US and Asian markets are among the bestsellers. Moreover, private brands on behalf of well-known third-party companies have gained popularity and are highly sought after“, says Remo Manz, Sales and Marketing Director.

Success driven by natural, healthy and innovative products

Bina is convinced that it is particularly due to the continuous customer orientation that products from Bischofszell have become so popular. The company specifically invests in natural, healthy and sustainably produced food articles. It processed almost 30% more organic and about 20% more Terra Suisse products from nature-friendly agriculture in the past year. Furthermore, Bina is actively committed to a healthier diet. It reduces sugar, salt and fat percentages wherever possible. In the past year, the company was in a position to save on 60 tons of sugar in the beverage production alone. Bina regularly surprises its customers with innovations to constantly appeal to the customers‘ taste. You can currently find two varieties of Terra crisps in the shops that were selected from 12,000 taste compositions created by our customers.

The Institute for Organisation and Personnel of the University of Bern under the direction of Prof. Norbert Thom conferred the IOP Award 2011 to Bina for the best idea management in Switzerland in recognition of its committed corporate culture. Moreover, main emphasis was put on various activities in the name of sustainability in the previous year. We cut C02 emissions by 4,356 tons or 19%, respectively, and used 12% less new PET due to the reduction of the packaging weight and the increased use of recyclable material.

Bina is a strong partner of Swiss agriculture, particularly as purchaser of potatoes, spinach and apples. The company actively supports the processing and marketing of Swiss raw materials and is the only remaining processor of applesauce. With more than 900 employees, Bina is the third-largest company in the Canton of Thurgau. It currently offers training to 37 apprentices in ten trades in Bischofszell.

Bischofszell Food Ltd was founded in 1909 and is a company of Migros. Bina is a leading producer of beverages, ready meals, potato and fruit products in Switzerland. Our main customers are the retail and catering trade.

Die Bischofszell Nahrungsmittel AG wurde 1909 gegründet und ist ein Unternehmen der Migros. Die Bina ist eine führende Herstellerin von Getränken, Fertiggerichten, Kartoffel- und Früchteprodukten in der Schweiz. Hauptabnehmer sind der Einzelhandel und Gastronomiebetriebe.

Bischofszell Nahrungsmittel AG
Otmar Hofer
Industriestrasse 1
9220 Bischofszell
+41 71 424 91 11