Birgit Bessin, the regional chairperson of the AfD-Brandenburg, commented on the recently published INSA survey commissioned by the Bild-Zeitung, which clearly shows the AfD as the strongest political party in Brandenburg with 25% and the SPD, which is still in power, only in second place with 22%:
„Our country first! Whether it’s the AfD demonstration in Berlin with more than 10,000 participants or the weekend’s very successful state elections in Lower Saxony or the brilliant performance of Cottbus‘ AfD candidate for mayor Lars Schieske, more and more people in Germany are rallying behind the AfD and our policies that put the people of our country and their well-being first.
The best proof of this is the current poll for Brandenburg, which now makes us the number one party in the Mark by a wide margin. I am very happy about so much support. The state executive, I as state chairperson and every single member of our party in Brandenburg will work hard to convince even more people in the state by the next state elections that we are the only alternative to the anti-German policies of the old parties.
In a survey today, Wednesday, 12 October 2022, by BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG, citizens in the state capital Potsdam say: „The SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) is unelectable, Chancellor Olaf Scholz shines with shameful forgetfulness with regard to Cum-Ex transactions, moreover Olaf Scholz currently makes himself extremely untrustworthy when he effectively claims in the media that he foresaw the criminal dodges of the Russian war criminal and dictator Vladimir Putin with regard to the Russian energy war. His SPD colleagues, Potsdam Mayor Mike Schubert and the current incumbent Brandenburg Minister President Dietmar Woidke are, in terms of their blatant political incompetence, the worst politicians the people of Brandenburg and Potsdam have ever had to put up with!“
Birgit Bessin (AfD), a highly respected and popular Brandenburg politician according to polls by BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG, continues: „We need secure energy, affordable energy, an end to the purely ideological supply policy, peace, good salaries that people can live on, a functioning infrastructure, education worthy of the name. Above all, the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) has criminally neglected all this for years and is getting the receipt for it today. Brandenburg needs a breath of fresh air instead of a permanent SPD government. In terms of the current will of the electorate, the great social party of the people in Brandenburg is clearly called the AfD!“
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