Best MBA Event Munich

Best MBA Event Munich

Learn how to get accepted to a top MBA Program!

Are you interested in advancing your career or are you ready to take a new career path to change your future?

Hear from experts about top-tier MBA and Postgraduate programmes at the world’s top Universites in Europe and the USA.

Sign up here: with the code CRIMSON7 for free tickets!

This seminar offers information about the admissions process, entry requirements, course structure and career trajectories you can expect through achieving an MBA or Master degree.

Insights from speakers who have gained admission to the world“s leading business schools such as: Harvard, MIT and Cambridge Business School, will be shared with you regarding what it takes to gain admission into world-class institutions, the application process, campus life, extra-curricular activities and future pathways available once admitted.

At the end of this seminar, attendees are encouraged to sign up for our free candidacy discussions.

Join us at the MBA and Postgraduate seminar and broaden your academic horizons!
Standort: Sheraton am Westpark
Strasse: Garmischerstr. 2
Ort: 80339 – München (Deutschland)
Beginn: 09.08.2018 19:00 Uhr
Ende: 09.08.2018 21:00 Uhr
Eintritt: kostenlos

Crimson Education hat Weltweit über 2.000 Tutoren und Berater. Jeder von Ihnen ist Dozent, Absolvent, Ex-Zulassungsbeamter oder Student der besten Universitäten der Welt. Schüler erhalten von Crimson Einzelberatung bei der Studienbewerbung, Kurs und Universitätsauswahl und damit zusammenhängend Extracurricular und Leadership-Mentoring (ECL), Karriereberatung, Beratung zur Studienfinanzierung, sowie Testvorbereitung und Interviewvorbereitung. Außerdem bietet Crimson maßgeschneiderten Einzelnachhilfeunterricht in unterschiedlichen Bereichen.

Crimson Education
Mona Tiesler
Josephspitalstr. 15, Excellent Business Centre 15
80331 München
Phone: +4917669762356