The real opportunity for growth is export. EBI-Switzerland trains during a 3-day seminar the competences and skills on how to develop with the 10-point Export Canvas© a winning export strategy and business
Export business depends on few, crucial key questions and on a string of minor, insignificant looking points. If overlooked, the entire export strategy may fail.
This is where the battle hardened 10-point Export Canvas© provides the knowledge and skills for developing a winning export strategy.
EBI-Switzerland prepares and trains during the 3-day March 2021 seminar hands-on business leaders, shapers, global sales and account specialists across industries on how to address in a structured way their organisation success factors and hidden traps.
Participants learn and value the methodology of our Export Canvas© and get the opportunity in defining a first draft of their own export strategy on the third day. They leave our training with a powerful tool, enhanced knowledge, and increased skills, leading to clear benefits for their company.
The two EBI partners Andreas and Philipp are thrilled to inform that registration to the first EBI-Switzerland Export Canvas© seminar that takes place from March 10th to March 12th at the Swiss Holiday Park in Morschach is open.
For further seminar and program details, the two partners invite to access the EBI website
The 10-point Export Canvas©, developed by EBI-Switzerland is a structured, praxis oriented process tool and approach to a successful export business.
EBI-Switzerland,, is the company that the 2 business partners and owners, Andreas Muller and Philipp Straehl, established to support their seminar and training activities.
Andreas Muller
avenue des Uttins 19
1180 Rolle
Phone: +41775276354
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