New possibilities for efficient production

Cold and hot forming of screws, tubes and spokes

Aachener Maschinenbau GmbH (AMBA) is known for its all-in-one machines for the production of components such as screws, tubes and spokes by cold forming. What is new is that the company is integrating more and more processing-technologies into its machines that enable operators to produce components such as special screws or tubes with variable cross-sections more efficiently. A current example is the integration of inductive heating in the forming of large screws.

With new systems, AMBA enables customers to produce more components with complex geometries using the all-in-one principle, thereby reducing costs. The company is going beyond traditional cold forming and is integrating innovative technologies, including for hot forming.

Markus Kathage, sales manager of AMBA, is responsible for the entire product range of all-in-one machines for the cold and hot forming of special screws, tubes and spokes. His aim is to use AMBA’s expertise to open up fields of application resulting from the integration of additional technologies, for example in the manufacture of vehicles or in the forming of tubes.

Kathage is convinced by AMBA’s all-in-one principle: „Compared to several machines linked together, our systems produce ready-to-install components in one go, for example a finished special screw directly from the coil or the axle of a car seat directly from the tube. AMBA has globally unique expertise along the entire forming process chain.“

Lars Henning, Managing Director of AMBA: „In Markus Kathage, we have an industry expert on board who understands our technology on the one hand and the international sales business on the other. We have known each other for a long time, as he has supplied us with drive solutions for our machines for many years. This is an excellent basis for a successful collaboration.“

Kathage started his career at a manufacturing company in Duisburg and then worked for a global market leader for drive technology as sales manager for Europe, where his customers included AMBA.

About AMBA

Aachener Maschinenbau GmbH – usually referred to as „AMBA“ – was founded in 1908 in the Aachen needle industry, which was known worldwide at the time. Since then, the company has increasingly developed into an internationally recognized specialist for machines for the cold forming of metal components.

Today, Amba specializes in equipment for the production of long and slender components with varying cross-sections, such as screws between 60 and 2,500 mm long, and tubes and spokes.

With its all-in-one principle, AMBA is the only machine manufacturer in the world to realize the continuous production of long or complex parts in a single machine: From the semi-finished product – be it wire or tube – to the finished, packaged product, all process steps take place in one machine – unrivaled in the industry.

At the company’s current headquarters in Alsdorf near Aachen, 80 employees work in development, design, production and customer service.

AMBA Aachener Maschinenbau GmH
Markus Kathage
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 17-19
52477 Alsdorf, Germany
Phone: +49 2404 551289-0
E-Mail: 2f0fecf827d3a7a48f7ef73d2c057a70eea44174

VIP Kommunikation
Regina Reinhardt
Dennewartstraße 25-27
52068 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49 241 89468-24
Fax: +49 241 89468-44
E-Mail: 2f0fecf827d3a7a48f7ef73d2c057a70eea44174

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