Optimal Action Under Pressure. Navigating High Speed in Aviation and Sports

Decision-making is part of everyday life. However, the process becomes more difficult the less time you have to come to a decision and to act accordingly. This problem is especially present in areas, where subjects are confronted with high speed and accordingly little time for optimal action. In his book „Optimal Action. Using the Example of High Speed. An Empirical Approach to the Psychological Regulation of Optimal Action Based on the Action Spaces of Sports and Aviation“, which was published in January 2024 by GRIN Publishing, Dr. Gustav Weder discusses precisely this question, which is of interest to both people active in the fields of sports and aviation and to those working jobs with similar challenges in our contemporary, accelerated society.
The reduction of time causes an increase of the demands on the mental regulation of an action. This also intensifies the person-environment-interaction. The author“s goal is to discuss a situation seemingly unique to people working in positions subject to high speed and still taking appropriate action, while making the book a worth-while read for everyone working under pressure – no matter the working area. „Optimal Action. Using the Example of High Speed“ combines practical experience reports and theoretical approaches from various disciplines and presents them in intriguing process models.

Solving Individual and Collective Issues Through an Interdisciplinary Approach

In today’s working world, technological developments have led to time becoming a crucial factor for many individuals. In many workplaces, this manifests itself in the impression of increased everyday stress. In the context of these time issues, speed, and the individual’s ability to consciously control it have become the focus of interest. Therefore, Dr. Gustav Weder“s book, which offers a balanced inclusion of empiricism and current theory, comes at the perfect time.
The author, who comes from a background of both business and sports, wants to encourage his readers to relate the empirical results to individual and collective issues in everyday economic or societal life that result in increased speed and thus stress. The research suggests an integrative model of action and suggests training-scientific, action-theoretical, cognitive-psychological, and developmental-psychological consequences. Hence, this book is an intriguing read for researchers and scholars of aviation and sport psychology and of organization development, as well as managers looking for new ways of looking at management in times of increased speed of change.

About the Author:
Dr. Gustav Weder has excelled in both business and sport. In business, he is considered an expert with over 25 years of experience in organizational development, leadership development and executive talent management. He holds degrees in economics, psychology and a doctorate in political and social sciences. Prior to his career in business, Gustav Weder owned and piloted a bobsleigh racing team. Known for his mental peak performance and the development of the best sports equipment, he was a two-time Olympic champion and multiple world champion. His dual experience gives him a unique perspective on optimizing organizations, teams and individuals.

This book was published by GRIN Publishing in January 2024 (ISBN: 9783346989222).
Direct link to the publication: https://www.grin.com/document/1421666

Free review copies can be obtained directly from the publisher at presse@grin.com.

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