Protecting the Environment and Strengthening Europe

PPE Europe AG, one of the leading producers of protective equipment, plans to shift its production from Asia to Europe. The opening of new production sites in Romania aims not only to comply with European supply chain regulations and environmental requirements but also to reduce CO emissions and utilize renewable energy in production.

Advantages of Shifting to Romania

By relocating production to Romania, PPE Europe AG aims to reduce its dependence on Asia and enhance supply security in Europe. Additionally, Europe stands to benefit from the creation and expansion of new job opportunities for skilled workers.

From the perspective of Christian Birca, the Production Manager at PPE Europe AG, adhering to European environmental and labor protection regulations is a crucial aspect of their production planning. PPE Europe’s objective with manufacturing in Germany and Europe is to achieve efficient and eco-friendly production of top-quality personal protective equipment (PPE). Furthermore, the use of renewable energy will contribute to reducing environmental impact, making a significant contribution to climate protection and sustainability.

Benefits for Customers

The shift in production from Asia to Romania sends a strong signal for a forward-looking and sustainable production approach in Europe. This contributes to strengthening the European economic area and creates new job opportunities, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the European market.

For customers of PPE Europe AG, the relocation of production from Asia to Europe offers the advantage of product safety and supply security. Reliable customer service will also be ensured through reduced transport times and local production within Europe. Avoiding long transportation routes saves costs, energy, and contributes to environmental protection.

PPE Europe AG: Working, Living, and Acting Locally

In summary, PPE Europe AG’s decision to shift its production to Romania marks a significant step towards sustainable and forward-looking production in Europe. This contributes to job creation and enhances the competitiveness of the European market. Moreover, the company’s commitment to this move plays a vital role in climate protection and reducing CO emissions. Christian Birca states, „Our goal is to manufacture sustainable personal protective equipment (PPE) and hygiene products in Europe. We aim to achieve this by relocating our operations and production facilities to Germany and other parts of Europe, ensuring that our products meet the highest quality standards.“ PPE Europe AG sees itself as an exemplar for other companies and hopes that more companies will follow this example.


Why is the relocation of PPE Europe AG’s production to Romania important?

The relocation of PPE Europe AG’s production from Asia to Romania is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it can enhance supply security by reducing dependence on Asia. Secondly, it enables better compliance with European supply chain and environmental regulations, leading to a reduction in CO emissions and the adoption of renewable energy in production. Additionally, the move contributes to job creation in Europe and offers benefits to customers through shorter transport routes and more reliable customer service.

Can PPE Europe AG serve as a role model for other companies?

Yes, PPE Europe AG can serve as a role model for other companies that prioritize sustainable production and ecological responsibility. The shift in production to Romania demonstrates that this approach is not only essential for environmental and climate reasons but also offers economic advantages. By creating new job opportunities and enhancing the competitiveness of the European market, PPE Europe AG can inspire other companies to take similar steps.

PPE Germany GmbH mit Sitz in Berlin sind Spezialisten für Atemschutz Made in Germany. PPE Germany zählt zu den großen europäischen Maskenproduzenten für qualitativ hochwertige FFP2-Masken und startete 2020 mit der Produktion, um die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Schutzausrüstung zu gewährleisten. PPE Germany schützt die Gesundheit von Menschen, die in komplizierten Luftverhältnissen arbeiten und leben müssen beispielsweise durch Virale Kontamination, Krankenhauskeim Kontamination, Bakterielle Kontamination, Staub, Fasern (z.B. durch Mineralwolle), Industrieabgase, Feinstaub. Alle PPE Germany Produkte sind zertifiziert und unterliegen den strengsten Prüfstandards.

PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
E-Mail: 7f0e73451619effd6fb4945ee3ad5bce51724bfc

PPE Germany GmbH
Max Leber
Mertensstraße 63-115
13587 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 202366380
E-Mail: 7f0e73451619effd6fb4945ee3ad5bce51724bfc

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