Sisel International announces the relaunch of their Europe business with an array of new products, pricing, promotions, and payment method…plus much more.
New Products: Sisel is invigorating its product lineup with many innovative new products designed with consumers“ health and wellbeing in mind – like their revolutionary Turn&Burn™ Weight Loss System designed to TURN white fat cells that store calories into energy for brown fat cells that BURN calories. The scientifically proven ingredients in the Daytime and Nighttime formulas combine to efficiently move the body into a thermogenic state, increasing the body“s ability to burn fat, lose weight, and maintain a healthy weight.
New Pricing: Sisel has reduced Europe product pricing by an average of 12%. Now consumers will experience even more value from the company“s Sisel Safe® high-quality, effective products.
New Promotions: Regular monthly promotions will feature free products and/or significant discounts on select products. Through the month of April, free enrollment is available for all new Distributors joining the company. And Sisel Europe is now offering free shipping permanently on qualifying orders. The company is also waiving the admission fee for all Europe Distributors and extending an invitation to participate in their annual Mower Mountain event June 15-17 in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Utah.
New Payment Method: Sisel is pleased to announce that SEPA is back, with payment processing more convenient and easier than ever.
„With the relaunch of our new Sisel Europe business, I“d like to personally invite all of our Europe consumers to experience the quality, safety, and efficacy of Sisel products and the financial rewards of the Sisel business, including a compensation plan that is one of the most competitive in the industry,“ says Tom Mower, Jr., Co-Founder and President.
As part of the Europe relaunch, Milo Acosta, Global Sales Director, and Amalia Sekerakova, Europe Operations Manager, will be holding monthly conference calls featuring compensation plan and business building trainings. They will also be hosting a Europe Relaunch Tour during the month of May throughout several European cities.
„The future of our Europe business is brighter than ever, as we come together to experience Health, Wealth, and Happiness,“ said Tom Mower Jr.
Sisel stands for Science, Innovation, Success, Energy and Longevity.
SISEL International
Milo Acosta
Grundacher 5
6060 Sarnen
Phone: +18018221590
SISEL International AG
Amalia Sekerakova
Grundacher 5 60
6060 Sarnen
Phone: +421917743564
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