Brendan Bilton appointed as new Investor and Business Relations Advisor
Puchheim near Munich, January 21, 2021 – The Newcastle upon Tyne-based group „Proton Motor Power Systems plc“ ( with its CEO Dr. Faiz Nahab has appointed a new Advisor for Investor and Business Relations. Brendan M. Bilton is to make known the holding company“s issued stock paper with ticker symbol „PPS“ (WKN: A0LC22 / ISIN: GB00B140Y116) to potential relevant financial respectively anchor investors. With his hydrogen and fuel cell expertise acquired over two decades, Bilton will represent the PPS share as ambassador as well as official spokesperson for the professional promotion in the international capital markets. The current market value of PPS, which has been traded on the „Alternative Investment Market“ (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange since 2006, is around GBP 480 million in comparison to GBP 154 million in January 2020. Proton Motor“s share was recently awarded with the „Green Economy Mark“ award.
The UK-born Brendan Bilton (1964) is a qualified metallurgist and materials scientist, who has spent over 20 years in the renewable energy sector. In that time he has been able to raise over GBP 50 million for a number of start-up companies and spin-outs from larger organisations. He is a co-inventor on three published fuel cell patents and has been the CEO of several fuel cell and electrolyzer companies. Moreover he was a founder member of the organization „Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking“ (FCH JU) in Brussels.
Die international tätige Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH ( ist mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung Deutschlands Experte für Energielösungen mit Cleantech-Technologien und auf diesem Gebiet Spezialist für Brennstoffzellen. Proton Motor mit Sitz in Puchheim nahe München bietet komplette Brennstoffzellen- und Brennstoffzellen-Hybridsysteme aus eigener Fertigung – von der Entwicklung über die Produktion bis hin zur Realisierung kundenspezifischer Lösungen. Der Fokus von Proton Motor liegt auf stationären Anwendungen wie z.B. Back-up-Power und Energiespeicherlösungen sowie auf mobilen Lösungen wie etwa Back-to-Base Anwendungen. Zum Einsatz können die Lösungen zudem im maritimen als auch im Rail-Bereich kommen. Das Produktportfolio umfasst Basis-Brennstoffzellen-Systeme, Standardkomplettsysteme und maßgefertigte Systeme. Im September 2019 wurde durch Inbetriebnahme der neuen automatisierten Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Fertigungsanlage die Serienproduktion gestartet
Proton Motor ist im stationären Bereich für Kunden aus den Bereichen IT, Telekommunikation, öffentliche Infrastruktur und Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland, Europa und dem Nahen Osten mit Stromversorgungslösungen für den Gleichstrom- und Wechselstrombedarf tätig. Neben der Stromversorgung bietet SPower auch Lösungen für Solarsysteme sowie eine neue Produktlinie für die Speicherung von Solarenergie. Die aktuell 93 Mitarbeiter große Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH unter Geschäftsführung von Dr. Faiz Nahab ist eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der „Proton Motor Power Systems PLC“ ( mit Konzernsitz im englischen Newcastle upon Tyne. Seit Oktober 2006 ist das Unternehmen an der Londoner Börse notiert (Tickersymbol: „PPS“ / WKN: A0LC22 / ISIN: GB00B140Y116).
About Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH (
With more than 20 year of experience, the internationally active Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH is Germany“s expert for energy solutions with cleantech technologies and a specialist in fuel cells in this field. Located in Puchheim near Munich, Proton Motor, offers complete fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid systems from its own production – from development to production to the implementation of customer-specific solutions. Proton Motor focuses on stationary applications such as back-up power and energy storage solutions, as well as mobile solutions such as back-to-base applications. The solutions can also be applied in the maritime and rail sectors. The product portfolio includes basic fuel cell systems, standard complete systems and customised systems. The official commissioning of the new fuel cell stack machine to start the series production took place in September 2019.
Proton Motor is active in the stationary sector for customers in the IT, telecommunications, public infrastructure and healthcare sectors in Germany, Europe and the Middle East with power supply solutions for DC and AC demand. In addition to power supply, SPower product range also offers solutions for solar systems and a new product line for the storage of solar energy. Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, with currently 93 employees under the management of Dr. Faiz Nahab is a wholly-owned subsidiary of „Proton Motor Power Systems plc“ ( with headquarters in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. The company has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since October 2006 (Ticker symbol: „PPS“ / WKN: A0LC22 / ISIN: GB00B140Y116).
Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH
Leonie Würzner
Benzstraße 7
82178 Puchheim
Phone: +49 (89) 1276265-61
Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH
Ariane Günther
Benzstraße 7
82178 Puchheim
Phone: +49 / 89 / 127 62 65-96
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