Tipp Oil annual review 2020

Tipp Oil annual review 2020

Dear customers, partners and friends,

We look back on an extraordinary 2020. The Covid-19 virus that appeared at the beginning of the year presents us with great personal and economic challenges and requires enormous efforts – we are all doing extraordinary things!

A special event was the presentation of the EU Germany Business Award 2020 and the EU European Enterprise Award 2020
for our activities in environmental protection through our deposit system and for our high quality as the best manufacturer of lubricants.
As well as the help with disinfectants that we could provide free of charge to people in poverty.

Now, at the end of the year, despite the current situation in the world, we are trying to hold on to the positive and to look confidently forward. Together with you, we would like to take the opportunity to start the new year with a lot of optimism and solidarity. Of course, we also very much hope that we will be able to meet again in person next year – at trade fairs, meetings and visits.

TIPP OIL Managing Director Sebastian Maier: „In these difficult times, we should move closer together as a society, despite distance rules, and offer help and support where it is urgently needed.

Hersteller der Marke TIPP Oil – Made in Germany –
PKW. LKW-Motorenöle, Allzwecköle für Land- und Baumaschinen, Zweirad-Motorenöle, Zweitakt-Motorenöle, Getriebeöle usw.

TIPP OIL Manufacturer Ltd.Co.KG
Anja Klukas
Am Langenkamp 2
59192 Bergkamen
Phone: 023079703275
Fax: 023079703276
E-Mail: marketing@tippoil.com
Url: http://www.tippoil.com

TIPP OIL – Schmierstoffe
Anja Klukas
Kamenerstr 16D
59425 Unna
Phone: (+49)023036728527
E-Mail: marketing@tippoil.com
Url: http://www.tippoil.com

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